Alien Encounter

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I folded my hands neatly in my lap as we sat silently in the car.

Jin had gone to his family friend's house for the evening to have dinner with him and his wife, leaving Jungkook and me to attend the dinner meeting.

"So...this woman owns a piece of land you want to expand on in the States but she's tough to convince?" He nodded curtly, crossing his right leg over his left.



"You never answered my question. That day in the office." I thought for a moment before my face drained of some color. 

"O-oh. Yeah. What about it?"

"You said you had never been loved like that. You didn't answer my question, didn't your mom love you?"

"Ah, my family was very traditional. They don't enjoy sharing their emotions very openly. I know they love me though...they have to. Right?" I asked myself the last little part before turning to him. "But I don't need them now. I'm doing well on my own and I have-"

"Us," he interrupted, unbuckling his seat belt when we stopped in front of a restaurant. 

" guys."

He smiled, helping me out of the car before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "I could get used to that," he joked, making my cheeks flare up as we walked inside the restaurant.

He guided me to a nice table in the near back, reminding me briefly of the meeting with Mr. Choi.

"Good Evening Mr. Jeon." A woman in her mid 30's stood up, bowing politely. Jungkook and I did the same before sitting across from her.

"It's good to see you, Mrs. Shin. Please have a seat." The woman, who was still standing, sat down, folding her skirt nicely over her legs.

"Hello, Mrs. Shin. My name is Park Rina. I'm Mr. Jeon's assistant." I held my hand out, smiling softly when she gently shook it.

"Well, it's good to finally meet. I know this meeting was up in the air for quite a few months. Let's get straight to business, shall we?"

Jungkook nodded while I thanked the waiter for bringing wine.

"Firstly, Mr. Jeon, what do you know about me and my property that interests you so much?"

Jungkook looked up from his glass, offering me a short glance before clearing his throat.

"I've been looking for a place to expand on and create a bigger empire. Your property is located in one of the busiest and most populated business districts in all the states. It interests me in the fact that business would run quite smoothly if we were to work together."

While Jungkook was talking, I noticed something odd about the girl. Although her hair was dark and down, I could see glimpses of red. Normally that would've seemed normal but then right near the base of her neck, I could make out a patch of grey. It was pigmented but under the light, there was a slim color difference. That also wouldn't have terrified me if Namjoon hadn't told me about the other variations of aliens.

Green and pink, White and blue, and...grey and red.

I choked on the wine, standing up and excusing myself to the restroom. I quickly rushed inside, pounding my chest in an attempt to stop choking.

'Oh my God she's an alien. She's an alien not from my planet! She's- what is she doing here?!'

I inhaled deeply, calming myself before realizing what I had done. If she was trying to get the souls too, I just left her alone with one of them.

I exited the bathroom, making my way back to the table, only to find it empty.

"Shit," I muttered, searching around the restaurant but finding no one. My heart began to pick up speed before somebody tapped my shoulder. I whipped around to find Jungkook, doe eyes wide and soft lips set in a frown.

"Holy crap Jungkook." I launched myself into his arms, stuffing my face in his neck.

"Rina? Is everything okay?"

"No Jungkook! You can't do that! I was terrified that lady had kidnapped you!"

"What?" He leaned back, brushing some hair from my eyes. "Why would you think that? I just went to talk to the bartender."

"What? Why?"

"I wanted to get a different drink. I don't like the wine here."

"Then why is the table empty?!"

He looked at the empty table near us before his eyes darted to another part of the restaurant. "That's not our table Rina. She's right over there."

I turned, following his finger to our actual table where Mrs. Shin was waiting patiently, sipping on her wine and typing something on her phone."


"So why did you think she was kidnapping me?" He raised an eyebrow, making me glance back at him with a nervous chuckle. 

"No reason? She just creeps me out I guess."

He hummed before softly pushing me in the direction of the table. "We still have to talk about final payments."

"She said she'd do it?!"

He nodded with a small smile, pecking the top of my head before brushing past me and sitting back down. I followed suit, sitting as well. 

"Alright, a deal is a deal. Now, payment?"

Maybe I was overreacting. Dyed hair on this planet is normal and maybe the lighting was messing with my eyes. It was nothing probably. And even if she was one, why weren't green patches appearing on my skin?

As I was thinking, I was unaware of the hard stare directed at me, making me unconsciously shiver and glance around the restaurant. I did a full 360 before my eyes landed on Mrs. Shin. Staring at me from across the table.

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

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