Universal Predicament

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I knocked a few times before entering the classroom I spent most of my days in. Yoongi looked up from his computer, cocking an eyebrow at my uncalled-for appearance.


I waved softly, still a little wary around him even after our apology conversation. I knew I had to get as close as possible to him, but that took time. Time I didn't necessarily have but was willing to wait sometime for. 

"What's wrong? Class isn't for another 3 hours."

He looked at the clock on the wall just to double-check check his information was right before turning back around to face me.

"I know. But I have a bit of a dilemma and I assumed you could help?"

He clicked at the pen in his hand before the corner of his lip tilted up. 

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

I sighed, pulling up a chair before thinking of some way to persuade him to help me without giving any unnecessary details.

"My friend- wait." It suddenly hit me that Yoongi knew who Mila was. That gave me a bit of a different view of things.

"Actually...why try and hide it? I was trying to find Mila's dorm number but the lady at the front desk wouldn't give it to me because that information is confidential. How stupid is that? Anyway, that's why I came to you."

His face hardened at the mention of Mila but he still listened nonetheless. "And you came to me why?"

"Because I need a therapist and you looked like the perfect match- to help me find the dorm number obviously!" I was exasperated he still couldn't understand what I was hinting to.

He raised an eyebrow, another usual habit. 

"And what exactly do you expect me to do?"

My cheeks tinted pink as I fumbled with my fingers. 

"Get into the school system and find her number?" My voice seemed to get smaller the further I explained, making it seem like suddenly this wasn't the smartest plan ever.

He did nothing for a few seconds before the corners of his lips twitched upward in a small smile. He chuckled, leaning forward and setting the pen down.

"You want me, a teacher, to help you, a student, break into the school's student system and find Mila's dorm room number just to what? Say hi?"

I took a small step back as he stood up, a look of disbelief on his facial features.


He laughed again before shaking his head in shock. 

"So is that a no?"

He didn't say anything for another few seconds before he looked up at me, concern written everywhere in his eyes. 

"This might be the most stupid thing I've ever done. And I live with Taehyung's antics every day."

I grinned brightly, jumping lightly in victory. "Thank you so much!"

"But first," he raised a finger, signaling my silence. "A few conditions."

I nodded, eager to finally get to her.

"One, you don't tell anyone this happened nor what's about to happen. Two, for the sake of excuses, for now, you are my teacher's aide. And three, you get Hoseok to stop being so clingy to me because he misses your hugs."

I laughed softly at the last one before nodding, holding a hand out. "Deal."

He shook my hand gently before he ran a hand through his hair. 

"Alright this won't be easy but we'll make it work. Follow me and say absolutely nothing unless you're directly spoken to. Got it?"

"Got it."

I nodded shortly, following him through the second door in his classroom that surprisingly led out into another hallway.

He walked quickly back to the front office where the only computers accessing the student systems were.

"Mr. Min? What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

I cringed, hearing the woman at the desk speak to Yoongi who also paused in his tracks. He nudged me behind him, turning to the woman, and smiling. 

"Mrs. Shin! It's so great to see you. I'm just here to print some papers and change a few of my student's grades."

She smiled but narrowed her eyes once she saw me. 

"Ms. Park, is there something I can do for you as well?"

"Well there was but you shut that down so no..." I grumbled to myself. Yoongi, who must've heard me, pinched my arm. I flinched, glaring at him before turning to her. "Not at all Mrs. Shin. I'm here to aide Mr. Min in getting his tasks done. I had a few questions to ask before my classes and he needed the help so," I folded my hands together, making sure I was flashing my best smile. She grunted before turning around and continuing to click on her computer.

My shoulders dropped in relief as Yoongi grabbed my wrist and led me through a maze of narrow hallways behind the front desk.

"Here." He turned into an empty room with a small fridge, counters, a sink, some tables, 2 desks with computers, and a water cooler.

"Teacher lounge?"

He shrugged, sitting at one of the desks and logging in. "Kind of."

I nodded, further exploring the room as he began to type.

"What do you even need this for anyway? I forgot to ask. I mean just in case you're going to murder her or something I'd like a heads-up for the police."

I made a face at him, causing a cute smile to break out on his face as he laughed. 

"Haha very funny. No, I'm not going to murder her. I just have to pick some things up and talk with her. But she's the last person to tell me what she's doing or where she is."

"I take it you both aren't very good friends?"

"Friends is the last word I would think of when you mention her name. She's done some things in the past that I haven't appreciated very much. That's how I'll put it."

He nodded, not asking any more questions as I took a seat on one of the cushioned couches.

A good 5 minutes later and he finally stood up, an unreadable look on his face.

"What is it? Did you find it?" I stood up as well, a hopeful look in my eyes. Finally, after a full hour, I could find out where Yoora was or even if Mila had seen where she went. 

He looked confused, staring at the ground for a few moments before looking at me. The look in his eyes half scared me to death. Why did he look like that?


His head tilted to the side as he shut off the computer.

"There's no Choi Mila registered here."

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

I'm back with my cliffhangers hehe 🤡

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