Gorgeous CEO

490 38 3

At the end of my day, after I completed my classes, I decided to go out and walk around for a little while. I needed to start on my mission anyway. But unfortunately, until I get that book, I'm at a pause.

I exited the A building, shivering slightly as the cold wind gently kissed my cheeks. The leaves at my feet rustled and hovered above the ground as they silently rode the gusty wind. I gently stuffed my hands in the soft fuzz of my knee-length coat, smiling at the small warmth it spread throughout my fingers. My shoes softly crunched every time I took a step and landed on a colorfully painted leaf. 

Soon a pumpkin spice aroma filled my nose as I passed a cafe. Warmth blanketed my rosy nose and lips as I opened the door to sit and soak in the sweet-smelling treats. I entered, frowning slightly at the emptiness of the cafe. Save a few customers here and there chatting, the cafe definitely wasn't popping as I had expected on such a chilly evening.

I took a seat at the nearest window table and let out the breath I had been holding. I began to grab for my phone but stopped when I saw a familiar person wiping down a table close by. I might not have noticed him had it not been for the bright fluff of orangish-red on his head. His lengthy fingers gripped a rag, his wrist circling at an incredible pace, trying to complete the job as soon as possible. This looked like the last place he wanted to be.

When he finished the table, he looked up, suddenly meeting my gaze. He tilted his head in curiosity and began to open his mouth to say something when someone's arm suddenly circled his waist. I didn't take my eyes off him, not even when the boy around him buried his cherry-red nose in the redhead's neck.

It was cute. I had never seen anything like it and the affection the smaller boy showed to the taller only made me want to be mashed in between the two, their own sets of arms circling around me. 

I cleared my throat as soon as my cheeks reddened at the thought. What was I thinking just now? I'm only here to do one thing. Nothing more, nothing less. I couldn't let mere distractions like love get in the way.

However, I couldn't help it when my gaze softly trailed over to the two once more. The boy who had walked in, though smaller, looked older than the redheaded waiter. The man had silver hair that was currently fluffy and in a side part. His coat hugged his small frame, making a perfect mold when the taller man let his arms roam around his significant other with an affectionate smile adorned on his face.

I frowned slightly and stood to leave, suddenly not feeling like staying here. As I got up to leave, someone grabbed my wrist. Startled, I turned and held myself back from punching their nose. The redhead was smiling a boxy, friendly smile at me, which only made my heart melt more.

"Did you get everything you needed?"

I bit my lip before smiling guiltily. I hadn't really bought anything. I didn't have anything to buy with. So I just nodded my head with a little smile before exiting the cafe. However, outside wasn't much better than the inside. Along the street's sides, couples hand in hand walked side by side, saying loving words of nothingness to each other.

I tried to stop the immense waves of pain but I had given little to no effort. My heart rapidly beat in my chest, warning me to walk in the opposite direction to further avoid any hurt and loneliness.

So I did.

I turned and somehow found myself exactly where I started my first day here. Right in front of the large building, I admired so much. Jeon Enterprises.

Going on a whim, I decided to open the lobby doors and see exactly how everything was set to work. 

As soon as I did, however, I noticed nothing on my planet could've ever prepared me for this. Sure I sent a job application and expected to get in right away but now I was suddenly feeling a little less confident. Every man and woman here was wearing formal wear and bustling about with something- scratch that, ANYTHING in their hand, probably praying they were going where they needed to go.

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