The Touchy Kind of Affectionate

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My eyes softly fluttered open, the quiet breathing of another presence in the room being the only indicator I was not alone at the moment.

I slowly raised my head, my lips parting in surprise and exhaustion seeing I had been using Taehyung's chest as my pillow.

He made a little noise before turning on his side and arranging himself to be pressed flush against me. 

I knew I should've been moving. This was wrong in so many ways and somehow our movie-watching had turned into him staying the night. Not to mention, I still had figured out nothing about the package and scribbled book.

Instead, I rested my head back on the pillow, watching as Taehyung slowly breathed in and out, a soft sigh escaping his lips as I gently placed my hand on his cheek. 

I caught myself from running it through his hair, quickly pulling back and going back to just looking.

He was so pretty. It was crazy to me how someone could look so flawless but have so many flaws. The perfect imperfections. I suddenly grew hyper-aware of the warm hands resting on my bare waist. The shirt I had been wearing had ridden up throughout the night I had assumed, ending up with Taehyung gripping the soft skin of my waist.

I was confused at the moment. More puzzled and frustrated with myself than anything. 

Why was he so perfect? And what was I feeling? And how did I go from being pissed about my book being ruined to enjoying the presence of Taehyung, one of the souls?

And most importantly, why the hell did I want to snuggle up to him and never leave his arms?

My lips pressed together in a straight line as my eyes scanned over his precious sleeping face again. 

His nose suddenly crinkled as his eyes began to open. I quickly shut my own, pretending to be asleep so he wasn't so freaked out when the first thing he saw was me staring at him.

I waited for a few seconds in silence, hearing nothing before suddenly the grip on my waist grew tighter and I could feel his hot breath fan over my neck before he nuzzled his nose into my skin, his plush lips resting on my skin.

My mind was racing 100 miles a minute. What the hell was my stomach doing?! And what was Taehyung doing?! I would hardly call this just "touchy." And he barely knows me! 

But then again...this is good, right?

My heart picked up even more feeling him lift his lips again, softly placing a kiss on my shoulder. The bed then dipped before I heard rustling and my door closing. 

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing nobody but myself in the room.

I let out a loud sigh, starfish flopping across my bed. My hand went to rest over my heart, feeling it beat three times as fast as it normally should. 

"Maybe he's just a really affectionate person?"

I convinced myself that was the case before getting out of bed and changing for my classes.

I pulled on a soft white sweater and jeans before lacing up my shoes and grabbing my canvas bag, shrugging it over my shoulder, and marching out of the dorm to Mr. Min's class.

I smelt the familiar chemicals of the vapes before opening his class door and shutting it quietly behind me. I heard the recognizable sound of the piano keys smoothly gliding before I turned, seeing Yoongi at one of the pianos. No music sheet in front of him, no nothing. In fact, from my perspective, he seemed to have his eyes closed.

I slowly crept closer, placing my stuff at my desk before getting close enough I was standing right behind him. 

I stood quietly, watching until he hit the last key, and sighed, leaning back far enough so he accidentally hit my arm.

I jumped in surprise, much like himself. He quickly turned, his eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Min!"

The shock seemed to pass him as his resting face naturally returned and he got up, making his way to his desk. 

"Wait how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Play without seeing anything?"

"Muscle memory."

I was good at taking hints. He was being extremely dry with his answers and I knew I had heard or seen something I wasn't supposed to see. So, a topic change was what seemed needed.

"So what do you think of Mila?"

At the girl's name, his head snapped up, an odd look on his face. 

"How do you know who Mila is?"

"I think you've forgotten I'm friends with each of your boyfriends. Well besides Seokjin...he doesn't seem to like me at the moment."

Yoongi snorted softly, making me grin. 

"You probably annoyed the crap out of him."

"Okay first, rude. And second, I pretended Jimin was my boyfriend so yeah he was pretty pissed."

He smiled, chuckling lightly before seeming to realize what he was doing and pushing away the emotion. 

"But that didn't answer my question?"

He sighed, crossing his legs and pushing his glasses up. "I don't like her. I did at first. But one thing led to another and it didn't work out."

It's only been a freaking month and she somehow went through a phase with all of them. Maybe she really is one step ahead of me. 

I hummed before my eyes widened at his sudden question. "Did you dye your hair pink?"

My head snapped to my hair, my fingers gripping the soft hair before pulling it in front of my eyes. It was in fact my normal, bright pink. 

"Oh yes- I did! Do you like it?"

He thought for a few minutes before nodding. Almost immediately after, the bell rang and students began to file into the class. I took it as my cue to return to my seat, happy at the new information I'd obtained. 

Yoongi doesn't like her. Perfect for me.

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

I have more stuff to do today but I don't want to :(

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