Goodbyes and...what's happening now?

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I woke up, feeling a stinging on my wrist and throat. My skin felt like it was on fire and the red pendant was glowing. 

"Shit shit, not yet, please." Panic began to rise inside of me as my body shook. "Namjoon! Wake up please," I frowned, shaking his shoulders. He yawned, opening an eye and rubbing it before his gaze met mine. I felt tears welling in my own eyes as he suddenly understood my panic.

"Is it already happening?" he asked, fully awake. He immediately shook Jin awake who began swatting at him.

"Damn it Jin wake up. Y/n's leaving."

"What?" His eyes shot open as my hands shook, a red light slowly getting more vibrant in my fingertips and veins.

"Y/n?" Most of the boys were awake by now as my scared gaze met theirs.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay I promise." But I felt like Jimin was assuring himself more.

"I know. I know it will," I shook, grabbing his hands. They felt a lot colder than normal. That worried me. Why couldn't I feel their heat anymore?

"I'm sorry. Please forget about me and all the hurt I've caused you."

"Y/n we might die too. It's okay to be scared," Taehyung immediately protested. "We will never forget about you."

"No you guys will not die. I won't let that happen. I'll figure something out," I cried, my fingertips and feet disappearing.

"We love you. We love you so so much," Jungkook muttered, his nose scrunching in fear. His hand rested on my cheek as his thumb brushed away my tears.

"I love you guys too," I mumbled, embracing him tightly. Soon I found myself in the middle of a large group hug. 

When we separated, more than half my body was gone. I turned to Yoongi.

"Remember, I'm always here. You'll never lose me," I smiled, pointing to his heart. He pressed a long kiss to my forehead before nodding. 

"And it's okay to cry. You know that, right? Cry as much as you want. You have arms to cry into." I motioned to the others who nodded even though they had known nothing of our conversation. It only showed how much they cared about him.

"You all are wonderful people. I love you more than words can describe. Thank you for healing my heart. Thank you for saving me."

"Thank you for saving us, Y/n." Namjoon smiled, even though his eyes were full of sadness. I smiled, blowing him a small kiss before my entire body disappeared in a red light.

Finally, it's time to rest.

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

? Pov:

We watched as her smile disappeared into the red light and we were left with an empty space between us. I stared at the spot she had just stood in, hoping If I somehow stared hard enough, she would come back.

"She was special..."

My eyes finally ripped off the empty spot to Taehyung who had tears streaming down his puffy cheeks. Jungkook leaned his head on his shoulder, his own sorrowful gaze staring in the same direction I was.

"She was," he whispered. "I can't believe she's gone."

"She was so different from the others."

I turned to Namjoon who no longer was crying, he was just staring into nothing. "It's weird we got attached to her so quickly. That's never happened before," he thought out loud.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He shrugged, standing up and stretching his back. 

"I mean think of all the others. We've never gotten this attached. I mean we all saw this coming and still we liked her."

Jin rolled his eyes, standing up as well and putting all the pillows back in their places.

"That's literally why I said she was special," Taehyung grumbled, wiping his eyes and helping Jungkook from the floor.

"Do you think she ever caught on?" I asked from my spot on the floor. Yoongi picked me up and brushed off my sleeves.

"She was clueless. There was no way she could've caught onto anything," he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Mila should be gone too right?"

All the other boys nodded as I sighed in relief. "Time to play along with the next one, right? Don't you guys get tired of this?" I asked.

"Tired of it? Jimin this is what we were made to do. We're pure entertainment. And this is entertainment." Jin waved his hands, motioning to all the objects around us. I poked at the bed, feeling it's comfort. 

"So you never get tired of this loop we're stuck in?" 

"Nope," Jin popped the 'p', satisfied with how he had made the bed. 

"Alright let's head back to Seoul, shall we? Things have got to reset."

"Wait, are we going to remember her?" I asked. All of them looked at me weirdly.

"Jimin we've done this over 100 times. We remember them for a little bit and then it slowly fades when her information is replaced with new information. That's how this whole thing works. Why are you asking questions? You've never been this curious?" Namjoon commented.

I shrugged, unsure why I was asking questions. Usually, I was the one quick to reset all the others. But there was something about this girl.

"So Jungkook is the next one going to be your janitor or something?" Hoseok teased. The said boy rolled his eyes before glancing at his watch. 

"We've got till tomorrow. And no they aren't going to be my janitor. I find it more fun when they're close and flustered."

Yoongi chuckled, playfully hitting his shoulder. "Isn't that the best?" We all left the empty room and said bye to Taemin, mentioning that we'd see him again in another few months. We all piled into the van and made our way to the hotel just to grab all of our things.

"I have a feeling we're going to be very busy soon," Jin mentioned as we all stood together in one of the hotel rooms.

"Hm well, that's not good. I can only take so much," Taehyung frowned. I had a weird feeling too. Something was off.

"Well, we better be prepared. Are we all ready?" Jungkook asked, his finger hovering over a button on his watch.

We all gave a short nod as he pressed a button and we faded into nothingness.

                                                      ፕዘጎነ ጎነ ልረረ ቻልጕቿ

Hehehehehehehe you probably have no idea what's going on 🤡

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