Late Night Ninja

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"Aw, what's wrong? Sad things aren't going your way?" She let out a soft snort as I glared daggers at her. My hatred for her was slowly rising through the roof.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"If you don't shut your fucking mouth you won't be able to use it for much longer."

Her face paled for a second as she took a step back before a smug smile was back on it. "Yeah sure. We'll see how far you get in this little game," she chuckled, opening Yoongi's door and shutting it behind her. It angered me to no end that her confidence was this strong.

I slowly backed away from the door, my heart sinking a little as I re-entered the living room. 

"Is he okay?" 

I nodded softly, crossing my arms before shaking the feeling off. Why did that hurt so much? It was because she was winning. Even if it was just a little bit. That must be why it hurt. 

"Can we-" I paused, remembering what Yoongi had said right before shutting the door in my face.

And I know damn well that you shouldn't be acting like you own the place when you don't.

Deciding to change my words, I continued. "I can just sleep on the couch. I don't want to take anyone's room."

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch," Jungkook immediately shook his head. 

"I won't either," Jimin added.

"Why? It looks quite comfy." In reality, the couch did look comfy but only to sit on and watch movies for a while. Not sleep on for a solid 8 hours.

Jungkook let out a scoff of disbelief before taking my hand. "Just take my room. I sleep with the others most nights anyway."

I let him lead me to his room, too tired to protest. I did however notice that Mila still hadn't come out from Yoongi's room. It made my heart hurt even more. 

Maybe he had just been lying to me. He probably does like her.

I turned back to Jungkook, taking in his dark but extremely clean room. "You're room is really pretty."

"Pretty?" his nose wrinkled cutely as he flashed me a bunny grin. 

Dear lord my heart.

"W-well yeah it's pretty." I felt embarrassed, knowing my cheeks were probably a rosy pink. He giggled softly, making me internally coo at his innocence. 

"I wasn't going for pretty. But I'm glad you like it."

I nodded, smiling as he walked to the closet, grabbing a fluffy grey blanket.

"In case you get cold." I nodded again, watching as he placed it softly on the large bed. He straightened up before looking at me and smiling. "Also I'm not going into work today. You don't have to either."

"But I have-"

It startled me when he suddenly appeared in front of me, his hands on my waist and a small smirk on my face. "Don't even try. I know you finished everything yesterday. I checked to make sure."

My cheeks heated up, knowing very well I would've had nothing to do but sit at my desk. The only thing I was confused about was why he wanted me to stay home anyway. 

He didn't say anything else, flashing me a soft smile before letting me go, saying he had to go finish up a few things before shutting the door behind him.

I slowly crept across the room to the large, plush bed. I grabbed the blanket, flopping onto the cloud-like material before snuggling up to it.

I wasn't sure when, but soon enough my eyelids got heavier and I slipped into a soft slumber.


When I woke up, the only window in the room was closed, the curtains shut and the small clock near the bed was flashing 3:02. 

My eyes widened in surprise, my body shooting up as I cleared my head. 

How long was I asleep?

I couldn't remember when I went to sleep but I knew It was before dinner. Well before anyone made or offered dinner. Not that I needed it. I felt sick after what Yoongi said.

I slowly got out of bed, shuffling to the door and peeking out. The house was dark and absolutely silent. Feeling thirsty, I padded to the kitchen, grabbed a glass, and filled it with water.

I took a few sips before I heard the sound of footsteps, startling me. 

I quickly ducked behind the counter, afraid to get caught awake. I listened to the footsteps come closer until I was sure whoever it was was also in the kitchen. 

I crept around the counter, peeking over the edge to see the backside of...well, I wasn't sure who it was. Half of the boys had dark hair at the moment. From the build and baggy shirt though I assumed it was Yoongi. 

Suddenly feeling a lot more worried to be caught, I ducked back down, praying he wouldn't decide to come to get something from the pantry. Which I was sitting right in front of.

I heard the fridge door shut before again I heard footsteps, this time coming closer.

I squeezed myself into the shadow that the counter cast, hoping he wouldn't come any closer.

I heard a soft sigh before what sounded like the pop of a soda can. Peeking around the corner I saw his feet standing awfully close to me.

He murmured something, his fist landing softly against the marble counter. 

He grumbled more things to himself before he stepped away from the counter and out of the kitchen, carrying the drink with him. I got up to follow him quietly, making a noise of pain when I stubbed my toe on the couch. He turned, just slow enough for me to slide behind the couch, sealing my mouth shut in immense pain. 

Yoongi ignored it, turning back to his room to go back to sleep. I smiled softly to myself despite my aching toe. 

Successfully became a ninja.

Unbeknownst to me, Yoongi walked out knowing full well I had been there the whole time.



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