Hide and Seek

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New York. It was so dirty and the people were so rude. I couldn't stand to say hello to one of them. I tried multiple times already. But to no avail. They all ignored me.

I took a sip of my iced tea, glancing around the cafe. Yoongi and Jimin sat across from me and to my right sat Jin. Jungkook and Namjoon were at a meeting and Taehyung with Hoseok went to explore the city. I warned them not to go far because they were foreign but I trusted Hoseok to guide them.

As I was looking through the cafe, I noticed something odd. It was almost empty. There was only one other person who was in the cute cafe, sitting in the corner, busy on her laptop.

"Why is this place so empty?" I asked quietly, taking another sip of my tea. At my comment, Jimin and Jin began to look around in confusion while Yoongi just shrugged.

"Who cares? More room for us to breathe."

I hesitantly nodded. It didn't feel right. Ever since Mila disappeared things haven't felt right. It worried me that I didn't know where she was and why she suddenly dropped out of her classes without a trace.

As if reading my mind, Yoongi spoke up again. "Rina, I've been meaning to ask." I looked up, nodding for him to continue. "Why did you drop out of the university?"

My blood ran cold. He had noticed. Well, I was his girlfriend and I'm sure he'd notice that but I was hoping he would leave it alone.

"I didn't feel like it was right for me."

"Right for you? Rina, you were passing with more than flying colors."

"Please don't go all teacher on me Yoong. I- I don't think music was my thing and I wanted to always be home for you guys. Namjoon had told me that you guys thought you had a missing piece because no one was always there for you. I wanted to fill that position. Now I'm always here."

Made that up on the spot but Namjoon did say that. He hummed thoughtfully while Jimin sneakily took my cup from my hands.

"Hey!" I giggled, watching him take a drink of the sweet tea.

"Yum," he grinned, his eyes disappearing. I shook my head before grabbing his donut and taking a bite out of it.

"We're even," I chuckled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"We should probably go find Taehyung and Hobi. It's close to 2 and we need to get ready for the gala," Jin mumbled, finishing his coffee. He got up to throw it away while we all stood and cleaned our spots.

"What time is the party?" I asked him when he returned.

"Starts at 6 but Jungkook always likes to get there around 5 to talk with others before the event starts."

Jimin groaned while Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's boring for the first part of it so bring entertainment," Jimin sighed, playfully punching my shoulder. I grinned, slinging my arm around his thin waist.

"You're entertainment enough Jiminie."

His cheeks turned pink at the nickname as we made our way down the street. I kept my eyes open for the boys while talking with Jin about Mario cart. He had forced me to play it a few times and it was safe to say I was obsessed. While searching, my eyes caught someone that made my heart stop. I immediately tugged on Jimin's hand, stopping in my tracks.

Frantically I began looking around for a place to hide. "Rina, what's wrong?"

"He's coming this way! Follow me." I turned and pulled Jimin with me, running into the nearest store. It was called Macy's and was absolutely ginormous. Yoongi and Jin shortly came in after, their breathing uneven.

"Rina, what the hell? Are you okay?" Yoongi muttered, hands on his knees. I quickly pushed the group to the side, behind a clothing rack while my eyes watched the window. I watched as the man who had scared me so badly walked by. Once he crossed the next intersection, I let myself breath. 

"Rina, baby?" I turned to Jimin who cupped my cheeks. "What happened? Who was it?"

"T-that was the man who chased me into the p-police station." Now that the danger had passed my mind was clouded and my body finally started to catch up to the shock. I was shaking and my breathing was ragged as Jimin pulled me into his chest.

"Im going to kill him next time I see him," he almost growled, holding me flush against his body.

"I'm sorry. Chased you? Jimin is there something we don't know about?" Jin asked. The two boys turned to the younger, questioning looks on their faces.

"Rina was followed the night she went on that date with Hobi. She ran into the station with scuffs on her knees and elbows, crying. I was just about to leave but then I saw her."

"And why did you not tell any of us?" Yoongi asked, unamused. Jin only looked hurt.

"I didn't want to worry you," I immediately explained, stepping away from Jimin and cupping Jin's jaw in my hands. "I'm sorry," I apologized, pressing kisses to both their lips.

"Well," Yoongi mumbled shyly, "what is he doing in the big bad New York City? You saw him in Seoul didn't you?"


"Welp, either he's got other business here or you're being followed." The idea spooked me even though I knew it probably wasn't far off. I was most likely being followed. That had been proved multiple times by multiple different people. "Let's go get the two boys and head back to the hotel, okay?" I nodded at Yoongi before grasping Jin's hand and leading them out.

"Someone call them please."

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

Short chapter, but I just finished reading one of my new favorite fanfictions that you guys should totally check out. It's called Deep Down and it's an ot7 hybrid ff by  sleepingbearandbunny

(You can find it on my reading lists!)

Happy reading!!

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