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My necklace must have stopped glowing at some point because it wasn't brought up again. So I didn't feel the need to go to the bathroom. Something about the heat of the moment must have sparked it.

I ventured over to Jimin who was standing extremely close to a blushing hot mess of Hoseok. The two had been at each other all night and I felt the need to get Jimin's hands away from the poor boy.

I snuck up behind him and snuck my arms around his waist, pulling a surprised flinch from him. I leaned up, pressing my lips against his ear. 

"Guess who?" He shuttered as I made eye contact with Hoseok. The boy smirked before gliding his hands up the front of Jimin. The younger boy whined, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"Is this Rina?"

"Good boy," I teased, running my fingers along his jaw as Hoseok got awfully close. We had him encased in a little sandwich that I knew was starting to make him antsy.

"Both of you leave the kid alone," Yoongi sighed, coming up to us with Taehyung at his side like a puppy. He hadn't said anything about me bolting away from him yet but I thought it might come up soon. 

"Aw, Yoongi he's been doing it to me all night," Hoseok groaned, stepping away, only for Jimin to pull him back. 

"I was enjoying it," he grumbled at Yoongi while keeping his eyes on Hoseok. The older boy gulped, trying to pull away. I softly planted a hand on Jimin's shoulder.


He turned, momentarily forgetting about his flustered boyfriend as he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. He wasted no time in placing his hands on my waist and pulling me flush against him.

"Is this only your second dance of the night sweetheart?" he asked softly. I nodded my head, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck and resting my head against his shoulder. He took the chance to hug me tightly and press his nose into my hair.

We danced in silence for a while. A comfortable silence. I loved the way Jimin could make everything so peaceful and guide my body across the floor with little to no effort. 

"Do you dance Jimin-ah?" I asked quietly, lifting my head to look at him. He smiled.

"Why? Am I good at it?" As if to answer is own question he twirled me around.

"Exceptional." He chuckled, rubbing our noses together. 

"Oh c'mon stop lying to yourself, baby. You know I give you butterflies." 

"You do," I smiled, smoothing my fingers over his cheek as the song slowed to an end. He nuzzled his cheek against my palm, causing tears to almost spring to my eyes. Oh how I was going to miss these boys.

The song ended and Jimin stopped dancing, opening his eyes to gaze down at me. I saw warmth and love circling in his warm brown orbs as he smiled softly. I quickly pressed my lips against his before pulling away. "Thank you for that," I giggled, pulling him back to where the 6 of the boys were standing and talking. 

My heart warmed at the sight. Namjoon had his arms around Yoongi who seemed shyly embarrassed by it. Jin and Taehyung were gripping each other's hands while Jungkook and Hoseok drank their champagne, eyes never leaving us.

"Well I guess we all found our way back," I joked, playfully rubbing Jin's arm. "What time is it?"

Jungkook looked at his watch. "About 10 after 7. Why?"

"Just curious."

"Hey, Rina?"

I turned to Yoongi whose brows were furrowed. Namjoon's too.

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