Break Out

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A/N: Okay we're not going to talk about how extended that break was...onto the chapter! Happy reading :)

I messed with the laces of my shoes while sitting in utter darkness. I wasn't sure how long it had been but it couldn't have been over half an hour since Yoora left. Mila had gone quiet and I had concluded that she fell asleep. After all, when the lights were on, she had very visible eye bags.

The quiet sound of the door creaking open startled me. I trained my eyes to focus as best as possible in the dark but I couldn't see anyone. "Hello?" I called. There was no response. My stomach doubled over in fear, wondering if it was Yoora coming to tell me it was time to go. I still couldn't believe she tricked me like that.

Again I heard the creaking followed by a quiet "shh". I squinted my eyes and began searching the spacious room. Where were the sounds coming from? Suddenly someone jumped in front of the glass, scaring me out of my wits. I shrieked, falling backward onto the ground where I met eyes with a silver-haired Jimin. 

"So this is why you wanted nothing to do with the police. Sorry for scaring you," he quickly added with a small grin.

"Jimin?" I was stunned before I quickly recovered myself. "You need to get out of here! It's Yoora she's-" 

"We know," he mumbled, fidgeting with a key in his hand. I watched him for a second before stopping. 

"Who's we?"

The door buzzed open before I was swept up into someone's arms. I felt tears in my eyes seeing Hoseok's watered eyes. "Hobi," I sobbed, wrapping him in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay love. We'll talk about it later. For now, we need to get you out of here." He set me down before the lights flashed on. 

"Well isn't this lovely?"

"Her timing sucks," I grumbled as Yoora leaned against the door frame. 

"Aw did I mess up the moment? That's okay, continue. Pretend I'm not here."

"We kind of have to get out of the door for that," I rolled my eyes, stepping in front of the two boys. Mila seemed to wake up from her slump as she jumped up, fully aware of what was happening around her.

"Well then, let's cut to the credits?" She snapped her fingers and immediately Jimin slumped onto my shoulder. Hoseok fell onto the glass containment as their weight suddenly got heavier. 

"What the hell did you do?!" I fumed, turning so Jimin fell into my arms. That's when my eyes darted to the little red feather poking from their sides. Darts. I gazed around the room until my eyes landed on the two odd-looking machines in the corners of the rooms. 

"You're evil," I snarled, feeling Jimin slip from my grasp by the second. 

"I noticed. Now get in the container with them before you're next," she raised her fingers as a threat. I pursed my lips, stopping myself from saying anything before dragging Jimin into the glass box. I pulled Hoseok in right after before she came over and shut the door.

"Now I've got a collection starting. How fun!"

She left the room again, turning the lights off once more as I sat down next to Hobi. The two were passed out now so I quickly took out the small needles and fished around in Jimin's pocket until I found the key.

"She didn't think too far ahead, did she?"

I smiled to myself before standing up. I glanced at the door to the container before looking back at the boys. I had two options here. Freedom...or saving them. 

I bit my lip, my eyes darting from both options before I shook my head. "Why am I even thinking about this?" I sat down in between the two slumped boys and sighed.

"Idiots. Did they come by themselves?" Mila spoke up from the other side of the room. I frowned, turning to her. 

"Now that I think about it, it's odd they came alone. I mean I understand the others probably hate me...but they love these two. They'd never put them in danger..." I glanced at Hoseok, noticing there was a phone in his pocket. Perfect.

I grabbed and unlocked it, knowing his password was the boy's first date as a group together. Immediately his phone opened to some kind of app with a map and 7 red dots moving around. "What in the-"


My head snapped up as Mila pointed to the back door. It was slowly opening. I got a sense of Deja Vu. 

I immediately stood up, understanding Hoseok was being tracked and the other 5 were red dots.


Immediately the whispers stopped. "You guys can't come in here, do you hear me? There are dart guns or whatever. They'll hit you!"

"What? They won't hit us if they don't see us!" I wasn't sure whose voice that was. Maybe Namjoon's. It sounded like he knew what he was doing. "Jimin had the key, where is it?"

I fumbled around in my pocket for it before handing it through one of the air holes. He buzzed it open as two others came in to pick up the boys. I was pulled by the arm and into someone's warm embrace. I knew immediately it was Namjoon's.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, stopping myself from crying again. 

"I know, I know. But we need to get out of here." I nodded before following him to the door. 

"Wait!" I stopped before turning to face Mila. She was scared and she looked guilty. "I'm sorry for all I've done Rina. You need to believe me."

"Are you? Or are you saying that because I'm now getting out of here and there's a chance you might get left behind?"

"I'm serious. I know I was a jerk and went about things the wrong way...but I don't want our planet to die either."

"You were going to take the souls just to have power!"

"I know! But I realized I was wrong. I've had a lot of quiet time to think."

I sighed in frustration as I turned to Namjoon who was impatiently waiting. 

"Give me the key please," I mumble. He reluctantly hands them over as I run over to Mila's lock. I buzzed it open and grabbed her hand, pulling her in the direction the boys left. We got out into a hallway where Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were waiting. I wanted to stop and say how sorry I was for everything but I remembered where we were and what I looked like. I slowly slid my hood over my head, concealing my face before brushing past them. 

"Im sorry," I apologized quietly to the two before continuing down the hall. We found the exit where the car was waiting outside with the other 4 boys inside. 

"Mila get in the car, the boys will take care of where you need to go. I have to get something."

"Wait no, where are you going?" Jungkook immediately held up an arm. I grabbed his hand and lowered it from my body. 

"I have to go grab my necklace. Yoora took it."

"You're not going back in there alone," he argued, a low hum that almost sounded like a growl escaping his lips.

"I can do this by myself," I frowned. 

"No. You can't. You got captured once and you're valuable to them. I'm going with you," Taehyung spoke up. Before I could say anything he whispered something to Jungkook who nodded and made his way to the car. 

"Let's go," Taehyung nodded, opening back up the door for me.

I sighed before heading inside and letting the door quietly close behind me.


I got a little distracted from this book. I'm sorry for the long wait!

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