Savage Doll

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I knew that voice anywhere.

I quickly unlocked the door, fixing my hair before making a small plan in my head and walking out of Namjoon's room and into the living room where now stood 5 of the seven boys and Mila with the fakest smile I had yet to see on her face.

Simply playing with her, I crept forward, sliding my hands around Jungkook's waist and grinning softly at her. "Hi, Mila."

Jungkook seemed to tense up, as did the other boys but I assured them with the release of my arms that I wasn't going to do anything. 

"Why are you here?" she asked, the smile not dropping. 

"Got wet from the rain so Namjoon took care of me," I smiled, nodding my head to Namjoon who had a weird look on his face, probably wondering why I worded it like that.

She glanced at him before nodding curtly and turning to Seokjin. "Jinnie can we make some food? I'm starving."

He grinned at her before pulling her into the kitchen. "Sure."

As soon as they left, Jimin's, Jungkook's, Taehyung's, and Namjoon's eyes were on me. 

"Why do you act so weird around her?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms. I shrugged, attempting to play dumb but didn't get too far.

"No, we have the right to know."

"But do you?"

Okay, the innocent act was not working. They didn't look amused in the slightest. I sighed, sitting down on the couch, and peeking back at the kitchen before speaking. 

"I don't like her. At all really."

Taehyung sat next to me, closer than usual, and grabbed my hand. "Why?"

That's right. Some of them still liked her. 

"She's really mean to me and we've never really been on good terms. And right now...we're kind of both in a competition."

"For what?" Jungkook looked genuinely curious. And although I wanted to tell them, my mission would end right there and Mila would get her way. 

"Nothing important. But when you see her true colors, you'll know why I don't like her. She's just acting around you all. Using you guys for something much bigger. I'd be careful if I were you."

They looked concerned but also slightly worried. "What does that mean?"

"Hey did you all want something to eat too?" Mila ran in, a chirp to her voice as she hugged Taehyung from behind the couch. 

"No, I'm good," I answered quietly, the scowl she sent my way not passing my knowledge.

"Anyone else?" she asked with gritted teeth, a smile playing out on her lips.

"No, we're great too."

She slowly backed out until we could hear her back in the kitchen with Seokjin. 

"Ugh I hate her," I grumbled, stuffing my face into my knees. Taehyung rubbed my back soothingly. 

"Can you tell us why?"

"I really wish I could. Like really badly. But I just can't. I'm not allowed to say."


"Taehyung if she can't say then we shouldn't push her to say anything. She'll tell us when she's ready or whenever she can."

I felt relieved Namjoon had stepped in. If Taehyung kept asking with those beautiful eyes of his I would submit to him on the spot, giving him all the information he needed.

"Alright..." he mumbled, clearly not liking the fact he couldn't ask any more about it when the door suddenly opened and Yoongi walked in with Hobi.


I jumped up from the couch, jumping into his arms as he laughed, holding me up and rocking me back and forth. 

"Hey, Rina. What are you doing here?" he grinned, setting me down before pecking my forehead. By the obvious silence, I could tell Mila was fuming and the others weren't sure what was happening. 

"Locked out of my apartment!" 

He took a moment to stare at me and the others before laughing and hugging me again. "You can stay in my room if you want. I'll just crash in Yoongi's."

"God please no. I want my own space for once. There's always one of you imbeciles in my bed when I wake up."

Yoongi looked dead as he walked to the couch and plopped down. 

Mila took the opportunity to sit right next to him, grinning as she leaned her head on his shoulder. I grimaced, remembering what he had said earlier about not liking the girl after things didn't work out. 

"Hey actually..." I released myself from Hobi's arms, stepping around the couch and grabbing Yoongi's hands to pull him off the couch and up before smiling at the others. "Yoongi can have his own space. He looks really tired and not in the mood at all for any discussion right now so I'll just take him to his bed and then we'll sort things out."

Before a word could be said I dragged him out of the living room and into the room marked MY. I assumed they were all marked based on their names.

"You're tired right?" I asked when I opened the door and stopped in front of it. 

He nodded, a small glare on his face as he pulled his hands out of my grasp. "But I could've gone to my bedroom myself."

"With Mila clinging on to you?" I hissed, trying not to make my voice too loud. 


"Right okay."

He stared at me with a look of disbelief. "What do you think because you're friends with the others that just automatically means you can get into my good graces? In case you hadn't noticed Rina, I want nothing to fucking do with you. I know you're going to be around often but that doesn't mean I want you to talk to me or act like we know each other because we don't. And I know damn well that you shouldn't be acting like you own the place when you don't."

I was surprised by his outburst but knew in the end he was right. He was my teacher for god's sake and here I was dragging him away from the room just to get Mila riled up. He could've gotten up if he wanted and he could've walked himself to his bedroom to get out of the situation. Yet here I was, acting like we were the best of friends because I was good friends with what, one other person in this house? 

Without saying anything else he entered his room, shutting it behind himself, leaving me gaping at the door in slight shock. 

I heard a quiet chuckle as I turned, noticing Mila's form leaning against the wall next to where we both had once stood. 

"Well isn't this interesting."

This just got a lot harder.


No one can top my chapter names.🙃

Also, does anyone know what the text dividers are saying?🤡

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