The Grinch Who Stole From Me

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"I'm so-" My words stopped when I entered the quiet dorm. Something wasn't right.

Tilting my head in concern at the unnaturally clean room, I turned to Yoora's room. 


Nothing. I slowly turned to my own room, my breath hitching when I saw the crack in the door, opened unlike how I had left it.

I quickly threw open the door, gasping in disbelief at the fully ransacked room. 


I ran out of the room to hers, again gasping in surprise at her equally messy room. Did someone break in?!

I pondered what could have happened before my heart dropped.

The ring.

I turned back to my room, immediately throwing papers and books, messing the sheets of my bed up, and looking for the ring. Not only that but the book. The two things I needed most seemed to be missing.

What does everyone have against my life?

I felt tears well in my eyes as I slowly sat down on my bed. What was I supposed to do now?

So far, I'd been sent a threat through email and to my literal doorstep, then our dorm was broken into and ransacked, the book and ring got stolen, everything is going downhill and it's a complete mess.

"I'm trying so hard. W-why do I feel so powerless?"

My voice cracked, feeling my hot tears run down my cheeks. 

I slowly stood back up, making my way to the door and out of the dorms. I went to the only place that brought me comfort, the sweet-smelling cafe full of spices and treats.

As soon as I entered, I noticed how empty it was. However, there were 2 figures who seemed to be deep in a conversation. One of them looked up, hearing the bell ring, and I immediately regretted coming in here.


Jimin rushed over to me, placing his hands on my arms before rubbing my wet cheeks with the tips of his fingers.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," I muttered, trying to stop the shaking of my voice.

"Love this is more than nothing." Taehyung frowned, grabbing my hand and softly swiping his thumb over the back of it. The small gesture warmed my heart but I found it hard to find a positive in my situation.

"Someone b-broke into our dorm and took some valuable things of mine."

Their faces hardened as Taehyung pulled out his phone. "Did you report it?" Jimin asked, keeping me distracted as Tae disappeared behind the counter.

"No, I wasn't sure what to do." 

"Where's your roommate? Yoora? Is that her name?"

"I'm not sure of that either..."

Everything just seemed to be in a daze right now. Who would mail the book to me and then steal it again? Unless it was done by two different people? 

Taehyung returned, his apron removed and a bag slung over his shoulder.

"C'mon we're taking you back to the apartment. It's not safe at your dorm."

He quickly tugged me to the exit, Jimin following closely behind, phone to his ear as he softly had a conversation with someone on the other end.

"Wait." I paused, turning to Jimin and holding his wrist. "Don't tell anyone about it. Please."

If the police get involved then details and questions are sure to be asked and It's not like I don't have a suspicious background. There's nothing on me and that's sure to raise suspicion on it's own.

He looked at me weirdly, lowering the phone and muting it. "Rina, are you crazy? Your room was broken into and stuff was stolen. You told me, a police officer, that. That's stupid not to do anything about it."

I sighed softly, reaching for his phone and hanging up. "I know. But I also don't want to get multiple people involved. Maybe it was Yoora who ransacked our rooms or one of her friends, I don't know. Just don't worry too much about it, okay?"

In reality, I believed it wasn't Yoora or anyone I knew at all. It had to have been someone who hated my guts and was looking for something specific. Otherwise, the whole apartment would've been a mess. And Yoora wouldn't let any of her friends mess up our rooms like that. I'd ask her about it later but someone had to have keys or the door was already unlocked.

"That's a stupid idea but I trust you. C'mon it's getting darker let's just get back to the apartment."

I nodded, relieved he had finally let it go before following Taehyung again down a few streets and back to the familiar luxurious apartment.

Immediately I got a sinking feeling, knowing I wasn't on good terms with Yoongi nor was Jungkook too trusting of me right now. And Namjoon was just plain formal with me.

"Hey, why are you so tense? It's fine, you know all of us," Taehyung smiled, rubbing my shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"I know but it's just another one of those 'It's weird to be around all of you at once' thing."

He nodded in understanding as the elevator doors opened and he moved for Jimin to unlock the plain but expensive-looking door.

"We're home!"

"Taehyungie? Did work end earl-" Jungkook paused in his tracks once he saw me and Jimin standing oddly in the entryway of the apartment.

Jungkook's face showed pure confusion as Namjoon, looking awfully attractive in a plain t-shirt and sweats I might add, appeared beside him. 

"No, I left early and called Ana to take over the rest of my shift for me. There was a bit of a problem that popped up."

As if they already knew, both men looked at me in question. 

"I uh- my dorm got broken into and some of my things were stolen."

Like Jimin and Taehyung, their faces hardened as Jimin took off his coat, taking Tae's as well.

"Did you report it?"

Ugh, why is everyone asking that?

"That's what I asked. She said no because it wasn't that big of a deal," Jimin mumbled, tiredly collapsing in the larger build of Namjoon.

It made me feel like I was intruding seeing them be so affectionate around me. 

"Does this have anything to do with the email?" Jungkook's arms crossed over his chest as Taehyung turned to me.

"Email, what email?"

"It's a long story Tae-"

"I've got time."


I'm just not sure where I'm going with this book at this point. Like are you even still interested?

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