Party Party Yeah

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The limo pulled up to a very large, luxurious venue. A red carpet was laid out and cameramen were everywhere.

"How big of a deal is this guy?" I asked no one in general. Yoongi sighed from beside me. 

"You haven't even seen half of it."

We all piled out of the car, Jungkook and Jimin waiting with their hands open to help me down. I thanked them quietly before gripping Jungkook's hand and walking with him up the carpet. He, Namjoon, and I were at the front while the rest trailed behind, waving and smiling at the cameras.

As soon as Jungkook's name was crossed off the list, the doors opened widely and my jaw dropped. It was like walking straight into heaven. Classical music was playing, ladies in gorgeous gowns and pin-straight postures waltzing around the ballroom. It was incredible.

"So what is this place in the daytime?" I asked Jungkook quietly who stopped to make sure our group was all together. "It's his venue, he just rents it out to people who want it for events exactly like this."

I nodded in understanding before Jungkook subtly passed me to Taehyung. "Take care of her. And take care of each other, please. Namjoon and I have to go meet a couple of people." He suddenly looked very serious and the duality startled me for a moment. He pressed a kiss to Taehyung's forehead before grabbing Namjoon's hand and leading him into the crowd of people.

"I'm going to go with them and make sure they don't need any help," Jin added, giving me a small kiss on my cheek before quickly following them. I slowly turned to Taehyung who seemed to be scanning the place. Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi stood close to me.

"So, what now?" 

Taehyung stopped searching the room and looked down at me, a sparkle in his eye. "How about a drink?"

As if it was scripted, a man in a blue uniform strode up to us with a tray full of champagne. Or I think it was champagne. Taehyung took 2 while Yoongi took 3. Taehyung passed one to me before taking a sip of his. He led us to an empty high-top table where we set our drinks down.

"Shall we dance?" he asked, holding his hand out with a teasing smile. 

"We shall," I giggled, gripping his hand and following him to the dance floor where a slow, breezy jazz beat was playing. I placed my arms around his neck, feeling his feather-like touch slide across my waist. Beside us, Hoseok and Jimin appeared, clearly having the time of their life flirting with each other, smirks across their lips.

"They seem to be more of the club type," I joked quietly, tearing my gaze from the cute pair. Taehyung eyes seemed to be gazing into my soul as we made eye contact.

"They are," he barely murmured. This close, I could see the golden specks in his eyes that twinkled like the stars that were surely beginning to appear outside. "I can't believe I kissed you." That caught me off guard.

"What?" I almost stopped dancing but he dipped me before pulling me right back up against him.

"You were so easy to talk to. So indescribably simple but unique. It was impossible not to."

A smile broke out on my lips as he inched closer. My hand slid from his shoulder, up his neck to cup his cheek as I shut my eyes and pressed my lips against his in a soft, passionate kiss. His lips moved against mine so gently as if he thought I would break. When he pulled away, his eyes shot down to my necklace.

A look of confusion spread across his face, causing me to attempt to see it. "Has your necklace always been able to glow like that?"

Fear flashed in my eyes as I registered what he was saying. Indeed, I could see flecks of a deep red glow coming from the spot on my chest.

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