Play the Game

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I walked into the silent dorm building, racking my brain for ideas of what could've happened between Mila and Jin. If she had met him a month ago, which is about how long I've been here, how would she have found out he was a soul before getting the ring? 

I let out another long, quiet sigh when my shin suddenly ran into something, tripping me so I'd fall into the door. 

"Ow," I grumbled, picking myself up and looking down on the floor. There was a large box sitting in front of my dorm door.

I looked up and down the hall, finding no one there before I unlocked the door and pushed it inside. It was most likely something Yoora had ordered.


No response. 

"Must not be home," I mumbled under my breath before getting rid of my coat and crouching next to the heavy, dog-sized box. 

I searched the sides, looking for some sort of sticker or address marker but it was blank. A plain box that obviously held something in it. 

I knew that most likely it was Yoora's and I shouldn't mess with it but then there was the curious part of me that felt like I just needed to open this box. 

I stood up, grabbing the scissors from the kitchen before returning to my spot and cutting open the tape seals. I opened the lid, glancing inside and freezing mid-breath. My blood ran cold and my heart started to pick up.

There sitting in the middle of the box was my book. The book I had bought from Namjoon's uncle's bookstore. The book I had waited so long for. The book I had paid a lot of my money for. 

Not really but still.

I slowly reached forward, grabbing the book and pulling it out. My fingers traced over the edges before they threaded through the pages to my bookmark. A small gasp left my lips seeing dark scribbles all over the page, spelling out a message.

Stop wasting your time. 

It's too late.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?" I half-chuckled, expecting Mila to come out of the hallway or jump out from behind the couch. But no such thing happened, leaving only an eery silence as I looked back down at the book.

Just then the door unlocked and Yoora came walking in, staring at me in confusion as she shut the door. "What happened?" she asked once she caught sight of the messed up page. 

"Did one of your friends do this? How did someone get my book and ruin it?"

Yoora looked baffled. "Are you accusing me?"

"Yoora I asked about your friends! Not you."

She seemed to let out a soft "oh" before looking down at the box and hanging her coat up. 

"I haven't had any friends over for a while. Plus, I don't let anyone go into your room when they're over. It's off limits."

"Well someone got in here, got my book, and scribbled out the only page I needed."


My jaw tensed, realizing I had slipped up. "Y-yeah for the report I'm doing."

"That page had nothing but stuff about the souls you were so interested in."

"Which is the main point of my report."

She narrowed her eyes at me for a second before shrugging and throwing her bag on the couch. 

"Well I don't know who could've done it. What if they got a copy of your book and sent it here?"

I looked down at the trashed book in my hands before my fingers softly gripped the pink bookmark I had so carefully crafted the one day I was extremely bored at work. 

"No, this one's mine. It has my bookmark and handwriting."

She gracefully plopped onto the couch, turning on the tv as I sighed in frustration. 

Someone got in here, took the book from my room while probably looking for the ring, and sent it to my own door to figure out. 

"Fine. If they want to play, I'll play."

Yoora looked up at me, an odd look on her face. "They? Play? What in the world are you talking about?"

I flashed her a small smile. "Nothing! I'll see you later. I need some time to myself."

I grabbed the book and scurried off to my bedroom, immediately picking up my phone and calling Taehyung. I wasn't sure why. I mean, he couldn't do anything and most definitely could not know about my little secret. I also had told Yoora I wanted some time to myself so that was a total lie. At this point, I just wanted to watch a movie though and Taehyung had said he loved movies. Plus, I could get closer to him in this way.

So, one thing led to another and he was now on his way with some popcorn and soda.

I turned on the projector I had in my room and connected my phone, deciding to watch "Finding Dori."

A little later someone knocked on my door, making me jump in surprise before opening it. Taehyung flashed me a grin, holding up the said snacks and bouncing into my room. Thankfully, my bed was large enough for two people to comfily sit.

"Movie time!"

I smiled, watching him pounce on my bed and snuggle into the blanket. 

"Did you not have work?" I asked, sitting down next to him. He shook his head, an eager smile on his lips as he tossed half the blanket over me. I shut off the lights and reached for the remote, turning on the movie before letting out a little noise of surprise when Taehyung softly hugged me and snuggled into my side. 

It was a few seconds before he realized what he was doing and quickly backed up from my shocked self. 

"I'm so sorry. I tend to be a really touchy person and do that a lot during movies..." He looked genuinely guilty and sad even though it wasn't that serious. It took my mind off the book and the drama between the timer, Mila, and everything else. 

I just wanted to enjoy this moment. 

"Well, I am too," I grinned, trying to make him feel better by hugging him softly and turning my attention to the movie. I felt him slowly rest his arms around my waist before he let out a soft sigh.

Taehyung? Check.

Six more to go.

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

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