Panic, Food, Panic, Food

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I quickly dropped the heavy bags on my bed, sighing in relief at the sudden light weight of my arms. I took out the envelope and divided up the money I was going to keep and the amount I was going to give back. The payment was way too generous. 

Glancing at the clock, I knew if I stayed here any longer messing around I would be late to work. I pulled out a nice black dress I had just bought (next to multiple) and put it on, smiling at myself in the full-length mirror. But something I glanced at my wrist, my eyes widening in disbelief at the incredible chunk of time that had been taken off. 

"It hasn't even been 30 days!" The timer on my wrist seemed to be ticking down at a faster pace now, not even matching the small clicking on the alarm clock near my bed. Panic began to rise in my chest as I glanced back down at my wrist. 330 days: 11 hours: 6 seconds

Something's wrong.

I quickly pulled a sweater over my black dress and grabbed my bag, making sure to stuff the book and the envelope inside. I said goodbye to Yoora who was making a snack in the kitchen before hurriedly making my way to the Jeon building.


"I'm astounded by your time management Ms. Park," Mr. Jeon smirked once I successfully entered the room. 

"Likewise," I mumbled before beginning to set my things up at the desk. 

"Actually- don't set up your stuff. We have a dinner meeting to attend."

"Oh." I wearily glanced back at my stuff before quickly packing it all backup. The envelope slipped out of my grasp, reminding me of its presence. 

"Mr. Jeon, about the paycheck-"

"Was it not enough?" he asked, interrupting my train of thoughts. I caught my tongue from saying something disrespectful before handing him back the envelope. 

"I was going to ask you to lower my pay. You really should keep things fair. I'm not even doing a quarter of the work deserving that amount of pay."

He tilted his head, an expression of innocence falling upon his perfect features. Goddamn, these gorgeous men.

I silently cursed at the sudden adorable look I was receiving, the envelope gripped lightly between his large hands.

"I've never had a single person turn down money before," he mused quietly, the sudden innocence leaving only to be replaced by a small smile.

"Well consider me the first. Can you lower it by how much is in there?" I asked, pointing to the paper carrier balancing between his index and middle finger.

He silently nodded, stuffing the money into a drawer somewhere in his desk before getting up and donning a coat, only making him seem more business-like. His frame towered slightly over mine as he stepped up to me, holding his arm out with a smirk. 

I looked from his arm to his eye, curiosity glinting in my wide orbs. 

"I heard there's going to be a storm tonight as well," he grinned. I quickly grabbed ahold of his arm, softly following him to the elevator while avoiding the stares I was getting.

We made our way down to his nicely parked car, making me stare in wonder at it. "Let's hurry along Ms. Park, no time to stare." He quickly pulled me into the back seat while a man clad in an all-black suit opened the door to the driver's side and buckled himself in. 

I didn't realize I was still gripping onto Mr. Jeon's arm until he cleared his throat, making me flinch and let go of his arm. 

As we sat in silence, the muffled city noises being the only audible thing from inside the car, I began to think back to the timer. Why was it suddenly going faster? And because it just meant less time to find the seven sources.

My fingers unconsciously made their way to my wrist where they gently tugged at the sleeve of my sweater. The small blue light, ticking down at a fast pace was almost more concerning than the flashing lights in the distance. How had it been so sunny this morning?!

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Jeon suddenly spoke, reminding me of where I was at the moment. 

I shook my head, sifting through my bag for the book. "Have you read this?" I asked softly, showing him the cover. He studied it for a few seconds before shaking his head. 

"No, but Namjoon has." 

How could I forget that tiny detail?

"Ah did he talk to you about it?"

Mr. Jeon puckered his lips in a small pout before answering with a shrug. "He did, I don't remember much besides a few things he would not shut up about."

My eyes glistened with excitement. While I couldn't read in the dark car at the moment, maybe I could get something out of him. Namjoon's significant other, however, his finger bore no ring.

"Can you tell me about them?" 

Mr. Jeon leaned against the window, meeting my gaze. "Why are you so interested in all that crap anyways? It's all just stories."

Something broke a little on the inside. Why was he being so dense? Did he ever stop to think maybe they weren't just stories? Maybe, the billions of people on this planet hadn't ever thought of how small they are. Just a part of one galaxy out of millions? The earth isn't the biggest planet in this galaxy, and this galaxy isn't the biggest out of them all. There were thousands of destinations and theories unexplored, who gave him the right to call them fake?

"What if they aren't? What if I told you there is a whole other race, watching you as you speak?"

Was that a shutter? Maybe he did have that strange feeling most people had. He just didn't want to admit the scary truth.

"He told me that Alien's used a special device when on earth in order to point out the life sources. Once they did, they would try and get as close as possible before inevitably making the sources fall in love with them. Then if they didn't give their love to them, the aliens would kill them and take the sources violently."

My lips parted in astonishment. He didn't realize it but that was a lot of information to just "pick up" on. 

"Do you believe it? Be honest."


"We're here." Our heads snapped in the direction of the driver before glancing at the restaurant outside the window. Mr. Jeon quickly exited the car, ready to get out of the tenacious air before he had to answer anything else.

I grumbled at the quick silence before making my way out the door and following Jungkook's form inside, all frustration disappearing when I saw the thundering clouds getting closer. 

I scurried to catch up with Jungkook, softly smiling when his hand grasped my own, pulling me to the back of the delicious-smelling restaurant. 

"Ah Mr. Jeon, it's a pleasure to meet you."

A large man chuckled wholeheartedly as Mr. Jeon flashed him a formal smile, not a bit close to the bunny smile I had received the pleasure of witnessing.

"Mr. Kang it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I hope you don't mind, we are a little late."

"Oh, it's completely fine. I know how bad traffic was tonight," he grinned as Jungkook pulled out a chair for me. I thanked him quietly before taking the seat. "And who is this lovely woman I have the pleasure of meeting?"

He held out his hand. "Park Rina," I answered hesitantly, taking his hand and watching in slight interest as he leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to my hand. As soon as he let go I pulled it back, wiping it on my napkin. Jungkook snickered softly from beside me, making me scowl. 

"Hello, what can I get started for you all tonight?" a kind-looking woman greeted us, notepad and pen ready in her nicely manicured hands.

"Waters will be fine for now," Mr. Kang smiled. She nodded, stuffing her pad away, clearly not finding the need to write down an order so simple.

"Now, let's get to business shall we?" he suggested, making Mr. Jeon tense up from beside me.

Why do I have such a bad feeling all of a sudden?


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