Cocoa and Revealing Truths

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I watched the hot chocolate rotate in the microwave before casting my gaze on the window. Outside, near a palm tree close to the waves, sat Jin and Jungkook. Jin had his arms around the younger and his chin set on Jungkook's shoulder. I knew they were having a deep conversation and just enjoying each other's presence. I also knew Hoseok was right when he said Yoongi and Jungkook needed the most attention out of all the boys. Jungkook had practically dragged Jin out there with a few blankets to talk.

I had thought they would appreciate it if I brought some hot cocoa for them.

The beeping of the microwave tugged my attention back to the matter at hand. I opened the small door and pulled out the two steaming drinks. I then put some baby marshmallows I found in the cabinet in before making my way out to the boys.

I crept closer, noticing there was a conversation going on.

"I'm scared hyung."

"Why's that baby?"

"It's's been so long since I've had the feeling of falling in love. Of course, I have you guys but that's different. I'm already in love with you. And it's been a while since Taehyung was first introduced to us."

Jin hummed, running his fingers through the young boy's hair.

"But then Rina showed up in our lives." My breath hitched at the mention of myself. If I didn't announce my presence just yet, maybe they would reveal their true thoughts about me. "She's so...special. I fell in love so quickly. It scared me."

"It did?"

"Hyung Miyo showed up a few days ago. She didn't scare me...I was scared for Rina. I didn't want her to get dragged into Miyo's crazy shit. I'm scared of getting my heart broken again."

"Rina wouldn't do that Kookie. She's different."

"Yeah, but she's almost too different!" Jungkook abruptly sat up, causing my breathing to halt but he still didn't notice me. "She finishes files at the speed of light, knows the answer to everything, and acts strange when someone mentions anything about her past or even love. It scares me that she's just doing this to mess with our hearts. I mean even you didn't like her at first."

I could practically hear Jin grimace as he let out a sigh. "Jungkook, you thought the same about Yoongi, remember? Rina is just special. So special she was able to waltz right into our hearts. Think about your suspicions, and then think about what you would do if you lost her. If we lost her."

Jungkook rubbed his face tiredly. "I love her so much Hyung," he muttered, a quiet whimper sounding from his throat. Jin immediately pulled him into a soft kiss as I turned away.

I swallowed thickly, retracing my steps back to the porch. I took a deep breath before smiling and making my way back to the boys, making it seem like I was never there.

"Hi guys," I called softly, surprising the two.

"Hi, love. How long were you there?" Jin asked, motioning for me to come forward.

"I just came out of the house. Want some hot chocolate?"

They both nodded as I crouched down, handing them each their own mugs. I took a long glance at Jungkook's face, noticing how the moon made him look so magical and elegant. Just a few moments ago, I had seen a side of him I had yet to see. The child-like Jungkook. I had to remember he was still young. Younger than me definitely but still young for a human. I had to remind myself that he wasn't always the mean CEO. 

"What were you guys talking about?" I expected them to lie, it was what I learned everybody did. So I was surprised when Jungkook truthfully responded.




"What about me?"

Jin sipped on his hot cocoa while Jungkook set his down on the book beside him. He turned to me, a desperate look in his wet eyes.

"Do you love us?"

My words got caught in my throat. I had been asking myself the same thing for days now and still, I didn't have an answer. Should I be truthful and say I don't know? Or lie?



"I promise."

He gently laid me against the ground, pressing his lips firmly against mine. 

"We love you too," Jin mumbled, laying down as well and wrapping his arms around my waist. I stared into Jungkook's eyes, finally getting the answer I was looking for. I did love them. Didn't I? That was what this feeling was? Could I really feel love?

He pressed a lingering kiss on my forehead before laying next to me.

"The stars are so pretty," Jin commented, snuggling against my arm.

"They are."

I shut my eyes, basking in the soft breeze, feeling the tight arms of the two boys beside me. "You guys saved me when I didn't even know I needed saving," I mumbled.

"You saved us too," Jungkook whispered, pressing a kiss to my earlobe. 

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being our missing piece," Jin sighed, planting a kiss on my left cheek.

'Thank you for being mine.'


Fluffy chapter??

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