Bad Days

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I blinked, surprised at the small droplet of water that landed on my notebook page. 

I had been planted on our dorm's couch for the entire morning, trying to take notes for the upcoming music exam. Yoongi had said he wasn't letting anybody in his class slip past easily. He wanted us all to "exceed". 

My mind had been preoccupied though. My heart was tugging me in different directions. It seemed like my body and my mind had two different points to prove.

I wanted desperately to just tell my family to screw off and stay here instead. But I knew that wasn't an option. I had to go back, no matter what. I couldn't kill my entire race of people. They were counting on me. 

I swiped at the tear sliding down my cheek, setting my notebook down and standing up from the couch. I made my way to the kitchen, deciding to grab a snack when the doorbell rang.

"Yoora, are you expecting anyone?"

I peeked around the corner wall, pouting when there was no response. Recently she had been out of the house a lot.

"Fine, I'll get it. Whatever."

I set down the plastic bowl, wiping my hands on my shorts before opening the door.


He grinned, wasting no time jumping into my arms. "I missed you," he pouted, nuzzling his nose in my neck.

My heart fluttered as I shut the door. "I-I missed you too," I mumbled. He leaned back, keeping his arms tightly around me. My eyes widened in surprise, feeling him press a soft kiss to my lips.


"I think I'm feeling more loved by the day," I giggled. He grinned his infamous boxy smile before setting his bag by the door and taking his shoes off. He stuffed his hands into his flowy brown pants, his soft white sweater hanging loosely around his well-built torso. 

"Notice anything different?"

I snapped out of my little trance, examining him before I mentally facepalmed.

"Your hair!!" I smiled softly, seeing him grin and do a little twirl. He had darkened it back to it's original color.

"Got tired of the orange."

"You know, my first day in Seoul, you ran into me right outside Jungkook's office building."

He frowned, pausing his spin. "Did I say sorry?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"Didn't even look back."

He winced, apologetically wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry. It must've been the day Jimin got hit at work and ended up in the hospital."


He nodded cutely, a little pout on his lips as he rocked us back in forth. It reminded me of the married couples I would see in movies and shows.

"Broke a few ribs but it was healed up in no time. He doesn't like to mention it because he said it makes him feel weak."

"He's one of the strongest people I know!"

"That's what I told him. He just doesn't talk about it."

I nodded, backing up from Taehyung's arms to continue pouring the chips into the bowl. "Movie? I kind of need the distraction."

He nodded, grabbing the large white blanket from off the couch and making his way to my room. If I had good judgment, he seemed a little off.

I shook my head, grabbing the bowl and two cokes from the fridge before also making my way into my room. The lights were already off and he was snuggled under the blanket, searching through the tv.

I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay but thought better when I saw the frown set on his lips.

Instead, I set the snacks on my nightstand and crawled into bed beside him. He immediately opened the blanket and pulled me into his embrace. It felt nice and made my heart beat much faster than it normally did.

He decided on Lion King, setting down the remote and stuffing his face in my neck. I just threaded my fingers through his soft, brown hair, knowing he wasn't feeling well. Which was a surprise when he was just smiling while greeting me.

Soon I felt tears on my skin, surprising me. I softly pulled his head from my neck, my heart breaking at his puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"Tae? Love, what's wrong?" I swiped his cheeks with my thumbs, my eyes tearing up just by seeing him snuggle into my palms. 

"It's been..." he paused, inhaling deeply. "A really bad day."

"How about we talk about it? It'll make you feel better."

He nodded, pausing the movie, muttering that it was one of his favorites. He then turned to me, sitting up a little further but not leaving my touch.

"I woke up this morning, Jungkook-ah was in a really bad mood. Something about business problems." A brief image of Lee Miyo entered my mind. "He got upset with me and left the house in a fit. He slammed the door on in," he paused again, inhaling shakily. 

"It's okay baby. Continue." 

"H-he slammed the door in my face without even saying I love you." I frowned, Jungkook shouldn't take out his anger on the men who love him. "Then, my mother called, saying she would be in town soon."

"What's wrong with that pumpkin?" He needed to talk. Bottling up his emotions was not good for his health.

"She doesn't support my relationship...and uh- she believes I have a girlfriend."

My brows furrowed as I nodded. "I had multiple customers calling for my manager and telling him bullshit about me. And I just really missed you," he finished, a neutral look on his face as if he didn't have a care in the world. His duality had me reeling. One minute he was smiling, the next crying, and soon completely void of emotion.

"Did you know Jungkook's ex showed up at work the other day, scaring the crap out of him?"

A scowl crossed Taehyung's face at the mention of her. They must hate her for what she did. 

"Lee Miyo?"

I nodded, watching as a scary look crossed his face. "What the hell is she doing still chasing him?"

"I'm not sure. But it's why he's upset. He'll calm down soon. Don't worry." He nodded again, his jaw ticking as he hugged me tighter. "And your mom, we can handle her easily. Set up a lunch, I'll come with you as your girlfriend."

His eyes widened, making him look impossibly cute. "Really?"

"Of course pumpkin," I giggled, pecking his soft lips. 

His eyes got even wider as I smiled. "And I'll get my friends to go to your cafe and put in a bunch of good words to your boss, as well as a few tips from myself. And you're here now, right? In my arms? Feeling safe?"

He shut his eyes, feeling as I pressed my lips against his forehead. 

"No need to shed tears over such small things," I mumbled against his smooth skin.

"God I fall more in love with you every day," Taehyung chuckled, reaching up to pull me into a soft kiss.

"That's good."

'It's not.'

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

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