Gunshots and Teardrops

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I tiredly dropped my bag by the front door of the large apartment and glanced around. Nobody was supposed to be home, yet I could hear slight murmuring coming from Jimin's bedroom.

I crept up to the door and pressed my ear against it. I could only hear soft whimpers and choked back sobs now that I was closer. My heart picked up speed as I reached for the doorknob. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I didn't love these boys, I knew I was lying.

I slipped into the dark room and shut the door behind me, waiting as my eyes adjusted to the lighting. Sitting in the middle of the bed, curled with his knees to his chest, was my soft, precious Jimin.

Sobs shuttered throughout his body as he stuffed his face into a pillow clutched tightly in his arms.

I glanced back at the door, wondering if I should wait for one of the boys to get home or handle this by myself.

I turned back to Jimin. Seeing his shaking figure and hearing his tiny whimpers tore at my heart.

I tiptoed to the bed before sitting on the edge of it. "Jimin-ah?"

His body jumped as he whipped around to me. I felt my own eyes tear up seeing his red-rimmed, puffy eyes, and his disheveled hair. His eyes widened in surprise before he launched himself into my arms.

"Rina," he choked out, stuffing his red nose in my neck. 

"Oh baby," I mumbled, holding him tighter against me as my fingers combed through his hair. I had come home from the office once Namjoon felt better, expecting to find the house empty. And here I was, cradling this sweet, sweet boy instead. Today had been quite the day.

"Jimin?" He sniffed before pulling his head back and meeting my gaze. "What happened love?"

He leaned back, wiping his cheeks with his sweatshirt sleeves before pulling his knees again to his chest. "I-I-I killed..."

My eyes noticeably widened but I tried to keep my mouth shut, giving him a slight nod as encouragement to keep going.

"I killed a k-kid."

Almost as soon as he was done speaking, tears began to spill from his eyes as he rocked back and forth.

"My sweet boy," I cooed, sitting next to him and pressing my lips to his temple. "I'm sure it was an accident. What happened?"

He took a deep, shaky breath before he relaxed his fingers (that had begun to wrinkle his hoodie sleeves) and leaned back into my arms.

"I-I was on duty with Channie, right?"

I nodded but paused. "Who's Channie again?"

"He was the one w-who was with me when y-you were followed? His real name is Bangchan. I-I just call him Channie."

I made an 'o' shape with my lips before nodding at him to continue.

"Well, we were patrolling separate areas when I saw a group of what I assumed were junkies hanging around in an alleyway. I know nowadays that stuff is normal but something seemed off about them. Almost like they were waiting for something. So I pulled up and got out of the car, ready to approach them but o-one of them got to me first."

I watched as he took a deep breath and cleared his throat, the tears seemingly drying up. "He held a gun to my head Rina. H-he told me to give him everything I had and he would let me go."

"Wait, wouldn't he be smart enough to see you were on shift? In the attire of an officer and everything?"

"We were both undercover because of suspicious activity in the areas. I guess that group was part of it."

"Ah okay. Continue baby," I urged sweetly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He exhaled softly before tousling his hair. 

"I pulled out my gun. And I held that horrible weapon to his chest. I told him he better put the gun down and get in the back or things were going to get a lot worse."


Jimin's voice cracked as his lips began to quiver. "He must've been drunk or something b-but he just stepped closer and applied more pressure on the gun. Rina..."

"You shot him."

He nodded, his hiccups returning as he buried his face in his hands.

"I'm a h-horrible person."

"Jimin he was most likely a gangster who was about to shoot you."

He shook his head rapidly, moving away from me.

"You don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"H-he was 17 Rina. 17. His friends and him decided to dress up and pretend to be gangsters for the day."

"But the gun-?"

He shook his head, more tears glistening in his eyes. "A bb gun." I gasped softly, only making his body tremor more as he fell into the bed. "I'm a monster."

"Baby," I called, my own voice wavering at the thought of a poor child getting shot because what? He decided to act like a gang member? "That's not your fault. You thought it was real, you thought the whole thing was real, and he was actually trying to rob you. It was his mistake. And although I feel horrible for you and his family, he made that mistake. Think about it, he would've gone on, robbing other people if he hadn't done it to you first. You saved countless people. It cost a poor life and I'm so sorry you have to live with that. That poor boy shouldn't have chosen the wrong path."

He sniffled into his sleeve before turning to me.

"Our chief gave me the rest of today and tomorrow off. He said I would really need it."

I nodded softly, brushing his hair with my fingers.

"I'm sorry love. Things happen in life that can be so hard to swallow. What happened today was horrible but there was nothing else you could've done. You warned him and he still pushed you." He nodded, opening his arms wide for me. I smiled welcoming his comforting warmth as he held me close.

"Thank you, Rina. I love you. You mean so much to all of us. I hope you know that."

'I wish I didn't,' I thought, offering him a small smile before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you too."


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