Balcony Talks

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I was startled when someone exhaled deeply from behind me. I jumped slightly, turning to see Hoseok stepping onto the three rooms' shared balcony, a sleepy look in his eyes. The boys were definitely upset when they found out I got a room by myself and put up quite a fight but I argued that I wanted a little bit of space at the moment. None of them fought me after that.

"Hobi? Why are you awake?" I asked softly, brushing a hand through his hair. 

"Jungkook said he saw you walk out here." 

"Jungkook saw me?"

"I did."

We both turned at the same time, seeing Jungkook also walk out onto the balcony. I checked my watch, noting it was well past midnight.

"Jungkook you have a meeting in the morning, what are you doing awake?"

"I have a hard time sleeping in places other than home," he mumbled, wrapping Hoseok in his muscular arms. My gaze drifted to Hoseok who seemed to already know what I was going to ask.

"I was worried about you so I came to check if you were okay." I smiled thoughtfully. Oh, how I loved them. Just looking at how much love Jungkook had for his hyung made my heart squeeze.

"I'm okay. I just," I paused, leaning on the balcony railing before continuing, "have a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook nodded off on his shoulder.

I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it would feel nice to explain my worry in the most subtle way possible. "Yeah. That would be nice. Thanks." 

Jungkook, who wasn't fully asleep and still fighting the urge, argued that he wanted to be a part of this conversation too. So he sat down on one of the lounge chairs, opening his arms for me to sit with him. Hoseok took a seat on the lounge chair right beside the one Jungkook sat on and turned to face me.

I sat with my back to Jungkook's chest and felt the peaceful feeling of his heart beating slowly.


I fluttered my eyes open and faced Hoseok. 

"I'm just scared. This might all end soon." Not might. Will. This will all end soon. I just couldn't say that to Hoseok or he would surely begin to ask questions.

"Why do you think that? Is one of us treating your wrongly?"

"No, no. Nothing like that."

"Then tell me what you're afraid of baby. Why do you feel like it might end?"

I took a deep breath. How could I tell him without revealing everything? Hey, this is all a huge lie and you guys just got played! See ya never! I wanted to hit myself at the thought. I sat in silence for a few more minutes before finalizing my reply.

"I know you all feel like I'm your missing piece, but I don't want you guys to regret everything when you find out who I really am."

He looked confused at this statement, no doubt going over it multiple times in his head to make sense of the sentence.

"Who you really are?"

Well, an alien. But I couldn't tell him that. God, this mission was more infuriating than Mila.

"Yes, who I really am. Everyone has a secret part to themselves and I'm scared that once you figure out mine, it will all be over."

Why am I scared? I know once they figure out that part of me, it will all be over. Because I'd have completed my mission and I would be home free.

"There isn't a single part to you that we could hate Rina." I even winced at my fake name. Was everything I told them a lie?

'No. I really love them. Right?'

"There might be," I sighed, leaning back against Jungkook who hadn't said a word this whole time. I turned and sure enough, the poor boy was asleep. "He really needs to get into bed," I thought out loud, switching the subject. I got as much off my chest as I could. Any more and I'm sure I would spill the truth.

Hoseok chuckled, standing up and ruffling his messy hair. "Alright. You get one side, I'll get the other?"

I nodded, standing up and helping him pull Jungkook off the chair. We balanced him in between us before we began dragging him inside our room to his and Jin's bed. I stood up straight and smiled.

"Well, I better be getting to bed. Thanks for the talk Hobi."

"Anytime princess," he mumbled softly, pulling me into his chest before pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Goodnight," I giggled, my cheeks red. 


I turned and stepped back onto the balcony, shutting the door behind me before walking to the next door and peeking in. Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin slept soundly, cuddled up to each other. I smiled sadly before moving one more door down and opening it. My room felt empty and cold. I hated it. I hated that I felt like this. I of all people should have no problem. I should have no emotions. And here I was, wishing I was in Hoseok's welcoming arms.

Whatever. This was my choice. I could've spent my last few nights tangled up in his arms but chose to separate myself. I had to remember. This was for the better. This was so I didn't have a hard time pulling away when it was time to go. But I knew that when I left, I would miss them like hell.

I sighed quietly, pulling Namjoon's hoodie off my body. That would do me no good either. I carefully crawled into the cold bed and shivered, pulling the covers over my body. 

God, I hoped I could get through these last few days.

But it would prove to be a challenge.


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