A Storm's Happiness

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Either I suck at working or Mr. Jeon just put me through every stressful situation possible. 

I think it was the latter. I mean, how am I supposed to know code 306 from off the top of my head?! I had to read through the whole manual and now I have every code 1-500 memorized front to back.

Groaning, I fell back on my bed in a heap. "So how'd it go? Did he like the dress?" Yoora peeked her head through the archway of my bedroom door. I sat up, a light blush fanning over my cheeks as I remembered what he had said before I left. 

"Oh and Ms. Park?"

I turned around, holding my new laptop and papers close to my chest. "Yes, Mr. Jeon?"

"I forgot to tell you, the dress suits you well," he smirked, returning to his desk. 

My cheeks blazed red before I quickly reminded myself he had a boyfriend. 

"It went well. And no, nothing was said about the dress," I said seriously. She giggled before exiting her post at the doorframe. 

"That blush says otherwise!"

I frowned, turning to grab my computer from my desk. I had more classes tomorrow. I had discussed with Mr. Jeon today the hours I would be studying so I could make a suitable schedule for me. Because Mr. Jeon had two secretaries (one in the morning named Tasha and then me for the afternoon), it didn't phase him in the slightest when I told him I could only do afternoons and evenings. Still, that doesn't mean he left me without a bucket load of work.

I began typing up the report for the latest sales when I involuntarily shivered. A tree perched directly outside my window, bare of leaves, began to scrape at the glass and wall. The wind from outside unknowingly created an eerie whistling that left me terrified to step foot out of my bed. 

The sky began to darken as dark grey clouds overcame the once-pink sky. I wrapped the blanket further around my small, shivering form before finishing the report and sending it to Mr. Jeon's email. 

I shut my laptop and stared at the shaking window. I frowned before slowly stepping out of the bed and scurrying to the window, afraid something would reach out and grab my foot in the midst of the dark.

My eyebrows furrowed at the now completely grey sky. 


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap all throughout the sky, quickly followed by a flash of light. Yelping I crouched down and covered my ears. What was going on?!

Another clap echoed throughout the air, shaking the window rapidly. I quickly got up and made my way to the living room, fear rising from inside me. 

"Yoora?" I called.

No response.

"She must not be home," I groaned, tears springing to my eyes as a flash illuminated the ghostly room. I grabbed a blanket and hurridly curled myself into a ball on the couch, holding back my tears as low grumbling shook the building.

What's happening?


The next morning I awoke with a small gasp. Everything was silent and peaceful, yet there were no sun rays peeking through the sheer curtains. I slowly removed myself from the couch and made my way to the window, scrunching my nose in worry at the dark gray sky.

Right...last night.

I entered the bathroom, gawking slightly at my deformed self. My normally silky hair was frizzy from the friction of the blanket and my eyes were red and puffy as if I had been crying all night. I sniffled, realizing my nose was clogged as well. Sighing quietly I entered my room and quickly changed into a hoodie and leggings. A nice change of clothes Yoora had so nicely offered me.

I grabbed my bag full of books and exited the building, shivering in fear at the sky. What if it erupted any minute now? 

With eyes full of terror, I sprinted to the main building, sighing in relief when I was safely inside. I glanced at my watch, nodding in satisfaction at my time management. I still had 20 minutes till Mr. Min's first class of the day started.

I directed myself to the back of the school where the familiar people with smoke and perfume chemicals radiating off them stood. I entered the classroom, steering clear of the odd group, and set up my things at the desk. 

"You're early." I shot my head up to look at Mr. Min who was just now entering through another door, bag slung on his shoulder and a tired, bored look in his eyes. It was only now I looked around and realize no one else was in here but us.

"Ah, y-yes I was just trying to be timely," I murmured, straightening out my folders and hanging my head to stare at my lap. 

He hummed lowly before taking a seat, deciding now was the best time to turn in my things and not get hissed at by angry girls, I stood up with my Music Theory book and crept down to his desk.


"Have you been crying?" The question made me stop suddenly, shutting my mouth in the process.

"What?" I asked, confused at the remark. 

"Have you been crying?" he asked again, a twinge of irritation in his tone. 

I rubbed my eyes before glancing out the window and back to him. "Y-yes but it's no big deal."

His expression softened as he sighed quietly, removing his laptop from his bag. "What questions do you have?"

I followed his gaze to the thick book I was holding. "Oh! No questions, I'm turning it in."

His jaw dropped slightly, gaze narrowing as he looked from me to the book now sitting on his desk.

"Ms. Park I gave this to you yesterday. What exactly are you trying to turn in?"

"The book?" I tilted my head in confusion. Was I doing something wrong?

He cleared his throat before sliding his pale fingers through his blonde hair. "I don't think you understand. I gave the book to you yesterday. I still have students from 2 years ago trying to finish it." I met his gaze, a small smile hinting at my lips.

"And I finished it in a day." Not really. More like half an hour but still I couldn't let that show.

"H-how late did you stay up?" he asked, stumbling over his words. I began to smirk, seeing how I truly accomplished dumbfounding my professor.

"I went to bed at around 10. Woke up at 7," I shrugged, tugging lightly on the hem of my sweatshirt. 

Narrowing his eyes in disbelief once more he gently took the book and flipped through page after page until he reached the back cover.

He sat in pure silence, staring at the cover of the book before gazing up at me in wonder. "You're something else."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I hung my head, hearing him mutter words of astonishment before a bell rang, cutting him off. Students began to file through the door, giving me the perfect excuse to scurry back to my seat. 

Throughout the class, though I couldn't help but notice Mr. Min's wandering gaze always on me during periods of breaks.

I exited the class when another bell rang, catching myself in the hoards of the crowds before Mr. Min called me back to finish the conversation before. I sighed in relief once I made it outside but immediately frowned when I felt a strong breeze blow through my hair, the branches of bare trees shaking uncontrollably. 

Not again.

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

Tell me if I'm wasting my time :(

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