1. The Queen Bee

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One could consider me a complete and utter bitch, and you know what, it might be true, but I don't think I am, or was, that much of a fucking bitch to be in this situation. I hurt people yes, but with words, not with a knife to their throats for fuck sake, so I don't understand why I am in a garage, completely tied up, as my eye is pulsating from the blow I just received to the face, as my ex best friend watches how I squirm as another girl I used to make fun of some months back slaps me across the cheek, making me move my face trying to come back to the present after such a blow. You might be wondering, Y/N, how did you get yourself in this kind of problem? Well, I have to go a little back in time, if I'm correct, almost more than half a year back, before my whole world turned completely upside down.


September 2nd, 1985, beginning of my last year at Hawkins High. Of all the places my parents decided to move into a couple years back, Hawkins might be the worst decision they've ever made. Don't get me wrong, awesome landscapes and all that crap, but it was boring and you had to go very far to get into a bar of some sort. What was easy in this town, was my climbing in the social status in the popularity chart. I didn't sleep with a bunch of people for that status, I just know how to manipulate people. 

Steve Harrington is no longer king of Hawkins High, so there is now a new queen bee, which is myself. Jenna tried taking my spot just because she claimed she had sex with Billy Hargrove last year, but I knew that was bullshit, I mean, Jenna with the crooked tooth? No way. If I couldn't even catch Billy's attention, her chances were much dimmer than mine. Being a cheerleader in this school was quite easy, because you just had to know how to move your hips from side to side and you would make it into the team in a snap of the fingers. 

I parked my Red Mitsubishi Starion that my Dad gifted me this summer and I squealed as I fixed the pink dice that hang on the rear mirror. 

I noticed the looks that my car attracted from the people that were arriving at school and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the situation, although, I enjoyed the attention

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I noticed the looks that my car attracted from the people that were arriving at school and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the situation, although, I enjoyed the attention. I actually have a hidden love for cars. I love everything about them. It's my dream to own a Ferrari one day, and my own workshop because my favorite part is tuning the car with random things. I would love to do some cool designs to my car, or some bright colors. I even installed a cup holder to the passenger's seat door. 

My mother dislikes this completely, because she says it's not ladylike, and I should cease with those dreams of mine. She wants me to continue with her designing business, and I'm sorry, but her dresses are disgusting. She is only popular because her designs are so crazy, people find them amusing and want to pay a lot of money to keep as collection. I don't have that kind of wicked mind, so I won't ever go into the designing business. My father doesn't like my ideals either, but he actually enjoys our time together when we watch Italy's car racing championships. If I have to say, Gabriele Tarquini is my favorite sports car driver. I would die to ride one of those cars someday. I shook my head, pushing away those thoughts from my mind because my mother was right. 

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