90. The real Evil Queen

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{Y/N's POV}

Why is this shit happening to me?

I cannot ever be happy, and it's not fair. It's not fucking fair. I just need her to trust me for a few more months, that's it, and then once I graduate and leave for college, or whatever I decide to do, she can't do anything about it. I can be with Eddie, and live my life... But then there's my father.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had been holding Jason's hand, kissed his cheek and even greeted him with a peck on the lips. I wanted to puke thinking that this is what I wanted a year ago, and now I just want to run away from it. Jason also doesn't like this one bit, and I can see it by the way his eyes are always looking for me to begin with our plan.

I nodded and walked out of the bathroom, heading over to the living room again as I pulled down my short small black dress. Jason was sipping on a champagne glass as his father and Georgia talked with eachother with smiles on their face.

"Sweetheart, can we go upstairs?" I asked sweetly, trying not to gag on my own words and Jason cleared his throat and smiled at me, nodding once. He looked at Georgia and was about to ask for permission but she was grinning widely, dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

"We'll be back in a few minutes. We just want some privacy." Jason smiled and walked towards me, putting his hand around my waist as he guided me to my stairs. He leaned to whisper to my ear and I pretended to giggle as we got out of sight. Once we were going up the stairs, our smiles faded and we rushed to go into my room and close the door.

"Okay, that was convincing enough..." Jason immediately undid his tie, and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and made a mess out of his hair. I went to my vanity table and started running my hands down my eyes, just slightly to make them look as if my makeup was running. I took off my heels and he took off his shoes as well.

"We should have joined the drama club. We would have made a hell of a debut." I heard Jason say as I made a mess out of my hair but not so much. Just enough so it would appear that I just sucked someone's dick.

"And they haven't seen nothing yet." I say and I started smudging away my lipstick, taking it off but not all of it and rubbing it a little on the outside of my lips. I turned to Jason and he looked at me. "Do I look fucked?" He held in a laugh and walked over to the vanity table to grab my lipstick and put a little bit on the tip of his finger. He looked into the mirror and smudged it all over his lips, just so it would look like we made out on my bed.

"There. Now... You remember your lines?" He asked me and I nodded at him.

"Do I need to punch your dick to make you cry?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked to my music player and put on a random Madonna cassette and turned it up. Nothing more suspicious than two teenagers, locked in a room, with music at full blast. It's perfect.

"I can just think of a puppy dying." My heart crushed at that and I looked at him with a hurt look on my face. "See? It works." He smirked and he sat on the bed and started bouncing on it, making me laugh but I clasped my hand over my mouth to hide it.

Shit, this looked ridiculous.

"Alright... Now, for the culprit." I walked over to my dresser and I pulled out a pair of boxers. Eddie's of course. I borrowed them from him today at school, telling him to go take them off in the bathroom and go commando. He happily obliged.

"God, they're not even clean..." Jason winced as he saw me with the boxers in hand and I made a move to go smell them and his eyes widened and he gagged slightly at this. I noticed that his eyes started glistening from the force, giving me an idea.

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