55. The Villain's Remorse

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{T/W: Sui*cide insinuation}

{Eddie's POV}

I can't even think straight. I don't know for how long I've been pacing back and forth, but I think I am most likely at the two-hour mark. I think there's already a trail in the Wheeler's basement carpet from my boots. I heard Nancy pressing the button on the walkie talkie again.

"Any news Lucas?" I heard her ask and everyone in the room raised their eyes at her, waiting for an answer.

"No, I went there an hour ago, still no signs of her going back." Sinclair actually called me yesterday asking if Y/N was at my place, and when my answer was no, I started calling everyone else. I went over to her house and no lights were on, and I spent my whole night looking all over I could. It seems Nancy asked everyone else if they knew anything at all, and now we were all here, trying to think of where could she be at. My nerves were all over the place, as I ran my hands through my hair, and I am sure I already had a bald spot from how much I've done that the past three hours.

"Eddie, sit for a while." I heard Robin motion for me to sit down and I just sent a look towards her, signaling to not talk to me. My guilt and my fear was eating me alive.

"We already looked everywhere, the school, the woods, the park you talked about, lover's lake... I don't know where else we can search at. I think we have to call the police." Steve said alarmingly and that sent me over the edge, grabbing my pack of cigarettes out of my jacket, as well as the lighter, putting a stick in my lips and lightening it up. I was shaking, I am pretty aware of that, and I saw Nancy's hands shake as she put the device on the table again as she dipped her face in her hands. Mike, Max and Dustin were sitting down while their legs were bouncing up and down, and Gareth and Jeff had gone to do another check all around in my van.

"She just sped off in her car? Did you see any bags of some sort? Anything to signal that she went away from town?" Dustin asked me and I looked at him as I inhaled onto my cigarette, shaking my head, earning a sigh on his part.

"Steve's right... We have to call the police, and Laura." I heard Nancy say into her hands, and I noticed the shakiness in her voice as well. It was already 4 PM on a Saturday, and I really don't' want an investigation on this. I don't want her to have a search party, because those don't bring good news ever. We heard a knock at the front door upstairs and I saw Nancy's head shoot up, frowning and then we all heard Karen's steps as she went to open the door. I was anxious because I was hoping to see her coming down the stairs, telling us she went to an all-inclusive hotel for a day somewhere in Indiana or some shit.

But I never expected to see a disheveled Chrissy Cunningham running down the stairs at full speed with what looked like a shocked expression in her face. Everyone got on their two feet as the girl finally stood in the basement and her eyes roamed the room as she breathed heavily, finally landing onto me. Her eyes widened and she rushed towards me, making me almost fall back. She was trying to talk to me, but she just mumbled and stuttered. I put out my cigarette on the ashtray that was on the table as quickly as I could and I held her arms.

"Chrissy, breathe! What's wrong!?" She tried taking deep breaths and I saw Dustin reaching up and getting hold of one of Chrissy's arms, making her look at him.

"Chrissy... You're with us, just breathe, deeply." Surprisingly, Chrissy mimicked Dustin's actions, as they both breathed in and out as deep as they could and then her eyes went back into mine.

"I need help... She needs help!" She blurts out and my nerves suddenly went on edge, a sharp shiver went all over my body as the word 'She' left Chrissy's mouth.

"What's going on?" Steve approached her and he looked extremely nervous at the state of the girl I was holding and she looked at him, and I saw her eyes glisten as I saw her gulp and look back towards me.

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