79. Against All Odds

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{Noone's POV}

Y/N was getting ready for the Ferrari expo she was heading to thanks to the Auto Club invitation. She was excited, nervous and was having a hard time getting an outfit right. Billy was picking her up in an hour and she had yet to put on some clothes. Her hair and makeup were all done, and she just needed to get the outfit to match. Her makeup was heavy, and her hair was all batted up and she was staring down onto the options on her bed.

She was gonna go with Billy, so might as well match. She grabbed onto tight high waisted jeans with a black belt to hold it up in place. She threw on a black crop top that let a bit of her skin show, and then a short denim jacket. She put on some black boot heels on and then started accessorizing herself, with small hoops on her ears, some rings on her fingers and that's when her eyes diverted towards the small green box in her desk.

Her heart shrunk slightly at the sight, knowing the pendant was inside. She winced as she felt a sharp pain in the middle of her chest, and she grabbed the box, putting it inside her drawer, and finally hiding it away. Her phone started ringing and she ran to pick it up, putting the tube on her ear.

"Hello?" She answered and a soft voice came through from the other side.

"What do you mean Billy kissed you?"

"Hi Chrissy." She sighed, heading over to the vanity table to choose from one of her perfumes. She didn't tell her friends anything about it because there simply was no time. She got back late from yesterday's race, and woke up late today as well. She took her time to get ready, take a bath, try to calm down from the events from the day before. "How do you know?"

"Answer my question first!" She heard Chrissy demand from the other side.

"He did it because he thought it would serve Eddie right. I was not even part of it, it took me completely by surprise." She replied with complete honesty and after a few seconds she heard Chrissy sigh.

"Yeah, served him right in some way. Mike told Nancy that after you left..." and Y/N then straightened up, with perfume in hand, looking at her reflection, waiting for Chrissy to go on. "Mike said that Eddie was a wreck..." Y/N felt her heart sink and then she gulped, looking down onto the floor.

"Chrissy... To be honest, I really don't want to know..." That was a lie, she wanted to know, but she was trying to play it strong, and that she actually believed Eddie deserved it. "He's always waiting for a final blow to actually act... I don't deserve that." And with that, she was telling the truth.

"That is actually true... Just, don't let it bother you, okay? And don't answer calls from any of the guys." She advised and Y/N looked towards the clock on her night table.

"Yeah, I am leaving in a few minutes anyways." She replies while spraying on some perfume and she could hear Chrissy giggle on the other side, making Y/N roll her eyes.

"Oh yeah... Another date with Hargrove." She says teasingly and Y/N scoffed into the air.

"It's not a date Chrissy."

"Alright... Tell me though... How did you feel about the kiss?" Chrissy asked now and Y/N froze, feeling her heart beat rapidly into her ear drums. The scene flashed into her mind once more, making a blush spread all over her cheeks.

"I-I don't think it was appropriate, at least then." And Y/N winced at her answer.

"Oh, so in another time sure?" Chrissy teased.

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