87. The rage of a Sister

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{Eddie's POV}

Every parent I met, became weary of me, or was afraid, or thought I would become a bad influence on their kid, except for Sweet Laura.

When she met me she immediately held my cheeks, and told me how handsome I was, without even knowing me. She was an angel, someone sent straight from heaven, but right now... God I was terrified of her.

She was coming over to the trailer to have some pizza. Y/N's mother is still at her house, making Y/N uncomfortable to say the least. We don't know why she is staying more than usual this time, but she simply is and tells her she is here for business. I don't know how we're going to manage with Y/N's biological parents, because I am pretty sure I am not the type of man they want for their daughter, but she promises that everything will work out.

Now, I don't really care about them, but the person I do care about, right now, despises me. It hurts me, of course, but I cannot blame Laura for disliking me. I hurt her child. I hurt her in one of the most brutal ways, and I know I cannot be easily forgiven like that. I had combed my hair, putting it in a low ponytail, wearing a tight black shirt, with the collar a little bit tight around my neck, but it was new. I had to dress more decently tonight. I kept my ripped jeans, my sneakers, and I let some chains dangle from my neck onto the shirt.

I looked into the mirror and took a deep breath in, spraying some of cologne. I was panicking almost. What if I could never earn Laura's trust back? Or how do I even start earning it again? I sighed heavily and was interrupted by Wayne standing in my doorway.

"Kid, you're gonna pop a vein." He says with a joking tone behind his voice. I chuckle at that and turn to look at him. "Well, A+ for effort... You're worrying too much Eddie."

"Am I uncle Wayne? Cause I don't think I'm worrying enough." I say with a groan in my voice, staring at myself on the mirror again. "I messed it up Wayne... She is like her mother, and what Laura might say goes... I mean, I hurt Y/N, horribly... Would you have forgiven Y/N?" I asked him and looked at him through the mirror. He sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Let me remind you... I broke up with Laura because of what Y/N did to you..." He took a step towards me with his hands in his pockets, looking down at the floor. "When you came home that night, and I heard your sobbing... And after you told me what happened, all I could see was pure red Eddie." I turned to look at him, completely stunned by his side of this chapter of mine.

"You were that pissed off?"

"Of course I was... You're like my son. My only son. And I would rip the earth and sky to end those who hurt you..." He sighed and ran a hand through his head, but I could see the blush on his ears. "But of course... When we heard the real story of it all, I couldn't stay angry with her any longer... But if it was to be true, I don't know if I would be forgiving her that easily, not at first that is... But if she proved herself to you, showed you true love, and how much she regretted her actions... If she makes you happy, then that is all that matters to me... Same applies to Laura." He gave me a comforting smile, and it honestly helped me a lot, letting a sigh out of my lips.

"Thanks old man." He gave me a pat on the shoulder and I looked down to my shoes, finding this situation rather embarrassing now. We almost never talked about our feelings, and the moment we do it becomes awkward. He cleared his throat and as he was about to talk, some headlights appeared in between my blinds. He gave me an encouraging look and I nodded, letting him go open the door for our girls.

Our girls. I smiled as I said that in my head.

"Hello ladies. Both looking stunning like always." I could hear the smile in my uncle's face. I took a deep breath in, and I walked outside to my living room. Y/N turned her head with a bright smile to her face and god, she will always be so beautiful. And she's all mine. I smirked as I saw her attire... She was wearing the Metallica crop top she bought three days ago with me, and some tight black jeans with a few rips and a belt on her waist. A pair of sneakers at her feet.

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