66. Getting to know the Teacher

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{Noone's POV}

"You guys can't be mad at me forever... I already said sorry and my reasons to not say anything!" Y/N complained as the four girls sat all around her room. The one that was glaring at her the most was Max. She was still not believing the fact that his brother has a girl working at his shop, and she couldn't understand how he let her drive his Camaro when he was very strict on not letting else drive it except for him.

"Well, you should of told us! We're your friends! You've been getting together with Hargrove for a month almost!" Robin exclaimed and glared at her as she took a sip of her tea. Chrissy nodded at that statement and looked at Y/N.

"I understand your reasons, but there was no need to hide it from us... We wouldn't have told Eddie..." She reasoned and at that Y/N looked at the floor and nodded, knowing that she acted wrongly with her friends, and that might have ended terribly for her.

"I know... and I'm sorry. Again." She apologized with a sigh and Nancy tapped on her cup as she put it on her desk, looking at Max and then back at Y/N with an intrigued look on her face.

"Well...?" She asked her friend with an intrigued frown on her face. Y/N looked up, confused at the question of the eldest Wheeler.

"Well what?" At this Max stood up with arms crossed, glaring at Y/N.

"What's with you and my brother?" Y/N frowned at the redhead and shook her head at her, wondering where the question was coming from.

"I don't know what you mean, he is just teaching me mechanics..." At the girl's response Max groaned angrily, rolling her eyes at her.

"He doesn't let people drive his car. Noone! Not ever! Not even if it's an emergency!" Y/N gulped at this and shook her head as she got up from her vanity stool.

"Okay, I know what it looks like, but... Billy is helping me get Eddie back." At this, the four girls looked at her with surprised and confused frowns in their faces.

"Billy? How?" Y/N sighed and sat back down on the stool again, looking towards them.

"He is actually great at advice... I didn't want him to pick me up yesterday because I was so afraid of Eddie thinking wrongly of us... I was afraid Eddie would think I'm seeing Billy or something, moving on from him... But Billy told me that Eddie needed a push, something to show him that he might not be the only man in my life, even if the other is a simple coworker." At this Chrissy nodded, understanding what Billy was implying with her friend, and he was definitely right.

"I get it. He is right though. Eddie needs to stop saying you two are just friends... You should of seen him yesterday when you left Y/N... The man was a fucking mess." Robin explained to her and Y/N felt her heart do a jump at that. Billy was spot on, he might be a love expert after all.

"Yeah... And thanks to that, he came by yesterday night and explained everything that happened at the Hideout to me." Y/N said with a shy smile, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks by scratching her face and all the other girls jumped at the confession, now very much interested in the girls' story. With a giggle Y/N explained the events from yesterday night and her friends were smiling at the advance of the girl with a certain metalhead, Chrissy the most of them. They all agreed that Eddie had indeed shown interest in knowing Y/N's business, and the girl couldn't help but feel hopeful.

"Wow... He actually grew some balls." Nancy commented with a giggle and Max nodded, but a frown was still present in her face, making Y/N look at her in wonder.

"You okay?" She asked her redheaded friend and Max nodded, looking at her.

"It's just... Billy? Giving advice? He never had a girlfriend before... He doesn't know about relationships... He doesn't understand you and Eddie, or me and Lucas..." She sighed at that and Y/N blinked and nodded, and all the girls were looking at eachother with a confused frown on their faces but understanding what the redhead meant.

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