85. To know you're mine

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{Y/N's POV}

I'm so sore... I'm super sore. Something is pressing on me, crushing me, but they smell good. Kind of humid, but good. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking, only to be greeted by a chest. A tattooed chest. He was softly snoring over me, and I groaned at the strain on my limbs as I moved gently from him, seeing the morning sun coming from the windows of the van.


The next day.

"SHIT!" I yelled, sitting up as I tried to look for a watch, anything at all. We were for sure fucking late for school. Eddie stirred in his sleep as he pulled the covers over his head. "Eddie! We have school!"

"Fuck school..." He mumbled under the covers and in a sleepy raspy voice. I groaned and pulled the covers off of Eddie's upper body, making him whine and I simply grabbed his wrist and panic set in my stomach.

"We have thirty minutes!" I immediately went for my bra, which was on the corner of the van, as well as the rest of my clothes, only to be pulled back down onto the mattress and my face being squished by his chest once again. Butterflies set flight in my stomach, but we had no time for this. "Edward, we can't be late!" His arms were wrapped around me as he whined again.

"But you look good naked..." He says sleepily still, and I shook my head, trying to push him away from me, but I was not winning at all.

"If we go and get ready for school now, and we arrive on time, I will let you mouth fuck me wherever you want." His eyes shot open, as if that was his alarm clock and he pulled away from me, almost pushing me, as he quickly sat up.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He immediately started looking for his underwear and I shook my head at him, smiling at how easy he was to convince and I started getting dressed, and I realized my underwear was still damp from not letting it dry properly yesterday. Commando it is.

"The seams of the pants are fucking killing me, we have to hurry." I rushed him and he chuckled as I saw him throw his shirt on, his pants and belt already secured.

"Tell me about it, I might need ointment treatment on my balls." He winced as he slightly moved and I laughed at his reaction, earning a glare from his part.

"That's what we get for not drying our clothes properly." I put my socks on, followed by my sneakers and suddenly I jumped as he talked.

"Holy shit." I looked at him, alarmed that something happened and he was looking at me, with widened eyes.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"You're my girlfriend..." And I blushed at that. I was rushing so bad that I didn't get to enjoy my first morning as a couple with him. He started smiling, his dimples showing. "Holy shit, you're my girlfriend!" He suddenly launched himself on me, feathering my face in kisses, and I started giggling, trying to push him away, but my heart was full of emotion, full of happiness, and I felt complete.

"Eddie, stop! We have to hurry!" He nodded and finally pressed his lips against mine, softly and I wanted to melt into it as he held my face in between his hands, my chest being completely crushed by my heart's thumping. He pulled away, still with a smile in his face, and I smiled widely at him.

"I love you... I won't stop saying it now, be prepared for that." He chuckled and went back onto getting completely dressed. I kept looking at him without him noticing, and my heart was at peace, calm, steady. He was so beautiful in the morning light, and even more so with the dimples in his cheeks being very prominent at that.

"And I love you Munson, now hurry the fuck up!"


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