6. Disposed of your power

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{Y/N's POV}

I want to commit murder. That's how mad I was. This is beyond being partner's with the freak, but pretending to be nice to him was taking a toll on me, well, nicer than usual. I couldn't pretend to be his friend. We clearly don't like eachother, and we know this each time we get together to do this stupid project, and it's only been three times we got together, and each time, we insulted eachother, and we were at one another's throats. But that's not why I'm mad about, no. You would think that after our kiss, Jason would ask me out, right? Well, no. He said that he was too drunk that night, and he acted stupidly, but that he still finds it funny if we mess with Munson's life. I don't know why he was so fixated on it, but I'm going to bail on this stupid prank. I can't keep going. I was walking towards the Gym, in my cheerleading outfit, ready to practice, but first I wanted to talk to him.

"Jason!" I yelled at him and he turned to look at me with a smile on his face. Shit, I almost smiled back. I finally reached him and he stopped bouncing the ball on the ground and he put it under his arm.

"Sup Y/N?" He asked with a little bit of a heavy breath. I loved when he used the Hawkins tanktop to work out. I shook my head as I snapped out of my dirty thoughts and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I won't keep going with Munson's prank." I said to him and I saw how his face fell. I won't crawl on the ground for a man, ever. I won't ever beg for their liking towards me, I'm independent, and I'm strong, and I don't need this to make him like me at all.

"Why not?" He asked and I saw him take a step closer to me, in which I stood my ground.

"Because there's literally no need, it's a waste of time, and there's no gain in any of it at all." I strictly said to him and he shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"There's a problem. Everyone in the team knows about it... You'll lose credibility if you don't go with it." What? I frowned at him and slightly squinted at him.

"Are you threatning me to do this?" I asked him and he let out a laugh and shook his head.

"No! No! All I'm saying is that everyone in the team, respects you but really... they don't think you have what it takes to be the Queen Bee of this school." And that broke me. I always thought I was the ideal person to take that role. Where they thinking of replacing me?

"Well, who says that?" I ask him and he shrugged at me, still keeping a smile to his face.

"Everyone..." I looked down and my thoughts were all over the place. There was one thing I had under control, completely, and that was my school life. Now, people are changing it, and it shouldn't happen. "Hey, hey... Look at me." I did as told and he pressed a finger under my chin. "Whatever happens, I'll be here... I'm already sort of jealous that I know you get together with him after school." And that made my heart beat wildly. He was jealous? He knew that I got together with Munson to prepare our project, but I didn't think he thought about what could happen at my house.

"Really?" I asked him. He nodded at me and got a little closer, making me blush instantly.

"Yes. I know you wouldn't even touch a single strand of his hair, but still... Him and you, alone, in your house. Makes me a little mad." He said and he started leaning towards me. My eyes glistened in anticipation and my hands were sweating as I felt my nerves going all over the place. I closed my eyelids and I waited for a kiss, but it never came. I opened my eyes again, confused, and I saw him walking towards his locker room.... So, nobody believed I could pull this off. Fine.

I'll have to destroy him to prove myself.


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