5. We're Making a Deal

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{Eddie's POV}

I felt a chill down my spine as I walked into school today. For some reason I felt uneasy, but I couldn't pinpoint why. I am still waiting on a call back from my client from the other day. I didn't receive any news yet, and my hope was going downhill by now. I really thought we had a chance, was I wrong? I saw a familiar figure grabbing stuff from his locker and I rushed towards him, jumping on his body, making him flinch and drop on his ass. I laughed as the poor boy regained his posture, while I put my feet on the ground.

"Henderson. I hope you are ready for Wednesday, I spent my entire weekend preparing the most ambitious, dangerous, and scariest campaign you fuckers ever played." I said to him and the boy was looking at me with wide eyes as he heard me talking. I know, I am amazing, and this campaign will be the greatest and largest we've ever done.

"Oh shit, and you think Mike and I are ready?" He asked me and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, walking down the hallway with him.

"Henderson, Henderson. I trust that this will also be a learning journey for you both, and I bet you both will make excellent choices. Just, don't be cocky." I warned him and he smiled and nodded, excitement being present in his face.

"I can't wait! Where is the gathering?" He asked me and I pointed towards the projection room.

"I have it all planned out. You just have to trust your leader and superior." I say to him and he laughed as I tipped his cap. I liked this kid. I don't know why he doesn't think he is ready for this campaign, he is even better at decision making than Gareth, and he has been playing my campaigns longer than Henderson. I suddenly got bumped on the shoulder and I looked back to see the culprit. My brows furrowed together as I saw Y/N looking at me once as she kept on walking. Did she want me to follow her? "I'll talk to you at lunch Henderson, I forgot something in my van." I excused myself and I let go of the kid to start walking a few feet behind Y/N, following her into the parking lot, and afterwards into an alley in between buildings. She was leaning towards the wall as she looked at her nails, waiting for me. I rolled my eyes at her exaggerated manner of keeping herself hidden from people in order for them to not see her with me. I found it quite stupid, but it also saves some trouble for me. I don't want my friends to know I have to tutor Queen Bee.

"I thought you wouldn't get it." She said to me and looked up at me with cold eyes. I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What do you want?" I asked her and she sighed and stood in front, looking up at me.

"The project." She said and I couldn't help but laugh at her. She had been fooling around for a whole week and now she wants to get serious. We missed some time now, and it will take me ages to teach someone like her.

"Yeah, now you care." I said to her. I couldn't care less about this project, because it would only give me extra credit, not that I really need it. It's always a plus, don't get me wrong, but I really didn't need to do this project at all. She glared at me and I could see in her eyes that she wanted to punch me in the face, and I loved it.

"Yes. I need to do this project. And if you think I'll do it alone so you can have free extra credit, you are wrong." She said to me and I raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed and looked down. "Look. It's for two months. We play it safe, no one sees us, we do the project accordingly, and we just pretend to stand eachother for the time being. Deal?" She proposed to me. I squinted slightly and the idea did not seem too displeasing if she put it like that, but I had to put my own twist to it.

"Alright, but there are some things I will make clear. You won't mess with me when I say I got no time, you won't meddle with my personal shit, and for the love of god, don't talk to me outside of project meetings. Okay?" I seriously did not want this kind of person in my personal space or my life, so it was good that this was just temporary. She rolled her eyes at me and scoffed.

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