78. Feelings or Validation?

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{Y/N's POV}

What just happened?

Billy kissed me.

Billy Hargrove kissed me. I was still in shock as we rode towards the Auto Club, looking towards the distance. My heart was still beating in a quick pace, and shit, shit, shit, I kissed him back. What happened?

"Can you say something?" I heard him talk and I snapped out of my shock and I felt my face blush, being aware of him, right next to me.

"I- Uh- I'm still processing what happened back there." I stuttered to him, making me feel even more embarrassed. He sighed, keeping his eyes on the road. He seemed completely unfazed.

"Munson was staring at us." He replied and my blood went cold, the blush gone, and I felt the tips of my toes grow a cold sweat. Eddie saw us. He saw us. My panic was setting in, I didn't want him to think I moved on, I mean, I might still have a chance, and Billy just ruined it.

"You... You did it to piss him off?!" I snapped my head angrily at him, and his eyebrows frowned in confusion for a second.

"He needs the push! He thinks he has all the time in the world, and now I just made him realize that he fucking doesn't!" He replied back as if it were the obvious thing to do. I felt myself growing angrier as well as the anxiety was picking up inside of me.

"But you literally threw whatever chance I had with him, out of the window!" He rolled his eyes at me, the confused frown turning into an angry one.

"Seriously? You've been crying for the past three weeks over him, who didn't even call to make up for what he did, ignores you at school, manipulated you because he felt threatened by me... And you are still throwing your dignity into the trash for him, when he isn't even worth it!" He exclaimed at me and I clenched my jaw in anger, shaking my head, not wanting to hear this from him.

"My dignity!? You're worried about my dignity?!" I spat back, and I felt the car start to pick up in speed, and I knew he was growing angrier, but why? Why is he angry? I'm the one that was fucked over by his actions.

"You're waiting on someone who is selfish, prideful, and manipulative! Do the fucking equation Queen Bee." He says to me and I was red in anger now. I didn't care for how fast we were going right now; I just couldn't believe what Billy did.

"And you kissed me, without thinking how I would feel afterwards, or what could happen to me! I believe you're selfish as well!" I exclaimed to him, and he scoffed, giving me a fake chuckle.

"Oh sweets, I've been ANYTHING but selfish with you." I threw my hands in the air, resting against the passenger's seat with my arms crossed over my chest and I looked out the window. We were already half the trip to the Auto Club, and I can't simply get off the car and walk home.

"You did it to piss him off." I say and I hear him scoff once more.

"You'll thank me someday." As fucking if. "Plus, it seems you enjoyed the kiss." And my eyes widened at that, snapping my head towards him once more.

"I was surprised! I didn't know what was happening!" I tried to excuse myself and the embarrassment was coming up again into my cheeks.

"Yeah right, because you always kiss people back when they kiss you out of nowhere, normal reaction." He says with a smirk in his lips, still looking towards the road. I raised an eyebrow up at him, and I let out groan as I rest again onto the seat.

"Well, it seems you were eager, giving the fact you kissed me twice and I don't think the second one was necessary." And Billy shut up at that. I thought I would feel victorious at making him close his mouth but it did the complete opposite. He didn't say no to what I just said, making the blush even worse than before. Did he actually want to kiss me? I glanced towards him and his jaw was clenched, still looking ahead.

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