93. You Made me Better

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{Noone's POV}

The night of the awaited prom came as quickly as it was announced.

Everyone was happy because it signaled the end of school was coming soon, and where else to celebrate that than in a dance, getting suspiciously drunk, and have fun with friends.

All the girls fussed for their dresses, while the males left it all to the very last minute, with a huff in their lips, annoyed by it all.

After this night, her life would start to take shape, in ways that frighten her, but still not enough to back away from it. She looked at herself in the mirror as she sat on her vanity stool, her make up already done, black eyeshadow on her eyes, her hair up in a messy bun with a few strands falling to her cheeks. She opted for a nude type of lipstick with a tint of red because she wanted her dress to be the one to catch her boyfriend's attention. She had her robe on still, and she turned to look at the dress that was hanging on her dresser's door.

A knock on the door interrupted her and she turned to greet the person that was coming in. Arthur walked in with a small box in hand and a letter under it.

"Well, look at you! Didn't see you with the dress on and you already look so beautiful princess." Y/N chuckled at that and blushed slightly at her dad's praise. He walked over to her and put the letter on the table, making Y/N frown in confusion at it, but then he opened the small box to show her two silver pendants, very small and subtle that had just one small diamond right at the end, hanging slightly.

"Oh, dad..." She smiled widely and grabbed her earrings, putting them on as she looked at herself on her vanity's mirror. "They're beautiful..." They matched with Eddie's Ferrari's pendant that hang on her neck.

"Ah, they look perfect on you." He said with a smile and he kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you." She smiled up at him and then down towards the letter. He cleared his throat and grabbed onto it, fumbling with it slightly.

"I uh... Took the liberty of doing something for you... I know Chicago University accepted you already, and that your decision for business might still be intact... But, I think you would be more suitable here." He handed the letter to her and she grabbed it with a frown to her face and she read the front of it, looking at the sender, making her eyes grow wide.

"Universal Technical Institute of Phoenix?" She looked up at her dad, her body sparking with euphoria as she started understanding her dad's intentions. He bit his lip and nodded at her, a small smile breaking into his mouth.

"I put you into the Auto repair school career path. After that you can choose some courses to be done, specializing in whatever area you like best..." Her eyes teared up and she opened the letter up to already find she was ready to start if she so desired to do so. She was accepted because... There was a recommendation letter.

Her heart jumped out of her chest, her breath getting stuck in her throat. There, in big letters, the names of William Hargrove and Larry Schmidt hung above the letter, and it explained with great detail what she did at the repair shop in Hawkins.


"Edward mentioned it to me... He even went to the shop with me to interview William." Y/N's heart soared to the sky. Eddie was behind it all. He talked to her dad about this, and then even went to talk to Billy, despite it all. He was caring about her, in ways she didn't think would make her this happy, this blissful about having him by her side.

And Billy too... Despite a month of not being in contact with her, he still helped her, without doubting it for a second. He wrote so many great things about her and how she managed to do certain things at the shop without his tutoring, just by eye. A tear rolled down her cheek as she clutched the letter to her chest. She'll return the favor to him, someday, whenever he felt ready to talk to her again.

Make me Better ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now