4. The mission

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{Y/N's POV}

This is horrible. I swear, I am living in a goddamn nightmare right now. I cannot believe I have to do this stupid project with a person who obviously cheated on their test. And for that person to be a fucking metal head, drug dealer, freak makes this even more fucking insufferable. I couldn't help but drag my feet along the hallways towards the cafeteria, but oh my god... What if everyone knew about this? What if he told? I can't be associated with this person. I can't face my friends knowing I have to spend my time with Eddie goddamn Munson. They would probably cast me aside... Suddenly the fear for my social status started nudging me in the back of my neck. Maybe the best option for today would be to actually skip, at least for the rest of the day.

 Yeah, I will do that. 

I walked out of school and towards my car, grabbing the keys from my bag and quickly opening it. I was too nervous at this point, so I have to figure out where to go to calm my nerves. I took a deep breath in and started the car. I drove away from school and I felt my chest start to decompress as I drove to my usual calming place. I went through the woods until the cement turned to dirt as I did a right turn, going more into the secluded place. After 15 minutes of driving, I reached my destination, an abandoned karting park. It was in a perfect oval, and the cement on it had a few leaves and dirt from all the years of non-use, but it got cleared up slightly thanks to all the times I came here. I drove the car to the faded starting line and I took a deep breath in before relaxing my body and putting my car on first shift and press the accelerator. As I shifted, I could feel some nervousness already slipping away from my body and the faster I drove, the calmer I got. It was no race car, or sports car, but it was still a pretty decent car to do some drifting. 

Thirty minutes passed and I stopped my car, breathing heavily from the adrenaline as I parked at the starting line once more. I smiled, resting my head on the seat, looking up into the car's ceiling. I mean, it can work out right? He helps me, I get an A, we're done... Maybe he didn't cheat. That thought was immediately erased as I remembered that this guy failed his last year twice. 

God, I'm doomed.


Thank god it was Friday already. I haven't made plans on getting together with Munson or anything so we can move on with our project, but he didn't have the incentive either. Maybe I can work around my grade and raise it up somehow, with another type of project. I can talk to Mrs. Laker. I didn't notice but my balance wavered and the people below me trembled as well because of my mistake. I take a deep breath in, concentrating in my practice. We were outside in the field, while everyone was having a break around us. I can't let those thoughts meddle with my other activities, if I do that, I'm fucked. I finally felt my team lower me down and I clapped at everyone for their work.

"Good job everybody! Remember, tonight, my house, party till dawn!" I yelled and everyone in the cheerleading team cheered at me as well as the football team, calling out my name happily. I smiled widely at everyone, loving the attention they gave me, specially Jason who was clapping while staring at me. I think tonight, might be the night. I couldn't help but blush, imagining what could happen, maybe a kiss? Or more? Maybe he finally asks me out? I hope so. My mom will be coming back in a few days, so I might just turn the house upside down before her arrival. I always hire a cleaning service after my parties, so I really don't care when I throw one. I will try to invite Steve, he might bring some cool people over. I heard some fake cheering behind me, and I could see one of Munson's minions throwing his hands up in the air while Eddie laughed alongside 2 more freaks and from what I could see, Dustin and Michael. I groaned in anger as I stared at them and then followed my team back into our dressing rooms. 

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