12. A Negroni

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{Eddie's POV}

I was sweating everwhere, but today was an amazing show. The crowd was super into us, and I spotted many heads banging to the music. I put my girl back into her case and I slapped my face many times to get back to earth. Whenever I play my music, I disconnect completely from the world and everyone around me. I felt a pat on my shoulder and I saw Gareth with a big grin on his face.

"Dude, this show was fucking awesome!" He cheered and I smiled widely at him and grabbed his shoulders to shake him as we yelled in excitement to eachother.

"I fucking know man! Aaaand I saw that hot chick looking at you." I winked at him and his eyes widened as he kept smiling towards me.

"Should I give it a try? Should I talk to her? Holy shit, what the fuck do I say?" Gareth wasn't the brightest with girls, so I shall help the virgin. I put a hand on his shoulder and moved the curtain slightly so he could look at her as I explained.

"You go over to her, ask her if the night is treating her right." He looked at me with a weird look on his face and I smirked. "Trust me. Best case scenario, she replies that you could make it better for her."

"And if she doesn't?" He answers worriedly and I wink at him.

"Then you say that you know how to make it better." He nodded at me with a sly grin on his face.

"Okay, okay... I'll try. Wish me luck Eddie, holy shit." I saw him walk out and I slapped his ass to encourage him to go faster and I grinned while still peeping from the curtain. He talked to her, okay, we are good. Oh, she is smiling... Oh, OH! HOLY SHIT.

"What's going on?" I heard Jeff talk to me from behind and I jumped, holding in a scream in my throat. I slapped his shoulder and I pointed towards Gareth. His eyes widened and he scooted to keep looking with me. "Oh my god... She is smirking at him... Is he going to finally lose it?" I heard him ask and I grinned at him.

"If he does, he isn't going to shut up about it." And I turned to look again and my eyes widened when she grabbed his hand and started driving him away. He looked at us and gave us an excited look and Jeff and I fist pumped the air and I did a humping motion to him, earning a slap on the head by Jeff. Gareth and the chick finally walked out and Jeff and I looked at eachother and yelled in excitement as we high fived eachother.

"Finally! His hormones were all over the place dude... it was disgusting." He said to me and I grinned as we walked backstage towards the dressing room.

"Yeah, but now his hormones will go everywhere, so we better get a female for him every week." I sighed as I turned towards my bag, grabbing my pack of cigarettes, putting one on my lips and lightning it up.

"I guess the other two virgins are Henderson and Wheeler, huh." He said and I chuckled.

"They're young, AND they actually have girlfriends." Jeff chuckled and sat down on the couch as he wiped his sweat off with his shirt.

"Right... Hey, what's up with that chick?" He asked and I frowned at him in confusion, taking a smoke.

"What chick?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow up.

"Y/N." I blinked, growing nervous all of a sudden and he noticed. Shit. "You shut her up in an instant when she was bullying Mike." He slowly stood up and walked towards me. He squinted his eyes at me. "You better not be screwing her Eddie." And I choked on my cig. I hit my chest multiple times to let it go through and he waved around his face, trying to get the smoke away from him.

"Holy shit, no." I choked out. Why would he fucking think I would screw the biggest bitch and bully of the goddamn school?

"Dude, something's up. Don't lie to me. Is she the one you've been hooking up with for the past month?" He asked me, in a serious tone, and I knew I couldn't lie anymore. Jeff was the smartest out of the whole group regarding my actions. I sighed and motioned towards the couch.

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