21. Circle of trust

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{Y/N's POV}

I have to keep calm. If I give away I am too interested in his guitar, then I'm completely fucked and they might grow suspicious. It was the next day after finding out they had stolen Eddie's guitar, and I had a hunch of who it might have been. I wanted to comfort him, but all I received was a shake of the head and he expressed he wanted to be alone. He had to cancel his show, and now look for a replacement until we find out where his guitar truly is. I was sitting in the bleachers as I stared at the basketball team do throws with eachother and Jenny was massaging Bettany's shoulders right next to me. They were talking about their nails, and how they'll fix their hair before spring break. 

I winced in disgust at the hollowness of the conversation. Conversations I once participated in, not really caring for shit what they told me. I looked at Jason as his smirk grew wider as he scored. When did my feelings change like this? When did they? When did I start hating him to my core? He was a horrible person, he took my virginity, he used me, and he took something from my first ever true friend. I saw them finally finish their practice match and they high fived eachother as they threw the towels on their foreheads, cleaning their sweat. They approached us and they were all panting heavily.

"We are so ready to defeat Gill High School." Patrick said and Jason nodded at him.

"Yeah, but let's not get too cocky." He mentioned and I leaned over slightly as I squinted.

"Hey, can I ask you guys a question?" I asked, holding in the venom in my toungue and they all looked at me.

"Yeah?" Andy said as he rubbed his hair with the towel. I fixed myself on the seat and continued.

"Munson is ditching me, and my project completely stopped." I lied and I could already see them smirking as the chuckled towards eachother. My anger grew inside of me as I now was sure that they took it.

"And?" Jason asked me and I squinted at him.

"And? If I fail biology, I fail Chicago University. Did you asses had anything to do with his change of humor? He just moans 'oh I'm sorry, I can't go right now'" I said trying to mock a male voice and they burst out laughing at this. God, I sounded like a complete asshole, but I need them to trust me so they tell me the truth.

"We might have..." Jason mumbled and I blinked at him.

"Couldn't you have waited after my project was done?" I told him and he stared at me, as if he was looking for a glimpse of pity towards Munson. I shook my head at them. "I'll fail this shit now!" I slumped on my seat, crossing my arms over my chest, acting mad that I could possibly fail Biology, but to be honest, I really could care less about that.

"Oh, he is moping for a fucking guitar, he can buy a new one." Patrick said and I stared at him, wide eyed. I then looked at Jason and he was smirking at me. I felt anger filling my chest, as well as guilt. He used me, completely, and this was the proof of it.

"Well, hand it the fuck over, steal it again when I'm done. He doesn't want to move from his house." I said, and it was the truth, he really didn't want to move from his trailer. He didn't come to school today either. He missed yesterday and I haven't seen him today either.

"Oh, we'll hand it over." Jason said and I looked at him. I did not like the sound of that shit, not even a little bit. Is there a way for me to find his guitar? They would know I took it, they would most certainly know I was the one to take the guitar away from them. I rolled my eyes at them and I looked at Patrick. An idea forming in my head, but it was still too risky for me to do. I would probably have to sleep with him in order to get to the guitar, and I wasn't going to do that... Or was I? Why was I even considering it?

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