25. Girls are dangerous

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{Y/N's POV}

It was Tuesday, and I was excited to say the less. We had a match right in the middle of school, so I was preparing myself in the girl's dressing room, tightening my pony tail. I looked at myself in the mirror, completely nervous for the routine. I practiced, despite everything that went on, I was still showing up at practice and making good note with my team mates, not wanting them to find out I was grieving for Munson. I fixed my make up again, wanting to be perfect for the show. I suddenly started hearing the band start playing and I knew it was my turn to come out. I walked out of the girl's dressing room, getting hold of Hawkins' school flag and ran inside the Gym, where all the basketball players were sitting down on the benches and my cheerleading team made the introductory dances. I smiled as I turned around towards the crowd, earning a big cheer from everyone in the bleachers. 

The boys from the other team whistled, and I wanted to wince in disgust at it, but can't do anything about it. I am the head cheerleader, the Queen of Hawkins, and I had to put on a show. I heard the band start playing again as I twirled the flag like a baton in my hands, swirling here and there as my girls cheered from behind the Hawkins' cheer. Once I finished, I handed the flag towards the basketball captain. I gave Jason a look and he seemed slightly pissed, which earned my concern for a split second until I looked at the very top of the bleachers. 

I wanted to smile widely, but I grew even more nervous than before, because now I wanted to do this routine perfectly. Hellfire was at the very top, alongside Nancy, Max, and Steve. I gulped as I looked at Eddie and he smiled, wiggling his fingers at me. I blushed slightly, and I shook my head, bouncing back towards my team and I clapped loudly as I yelled.

"WHO ARE WE?" I yelled outloud earning a big 'Hawkins!' from the crowd. "WHAT ARE WE?!" I yelled once more earning the word 'Tigers!' and I smiled widely as I saw the cringing hellfire did and I yelled my final words. "AND WHAT DO TIGERS DO?!" and I earned the que to start the routine as everyone yelled loudly 'HUNT!'. 

The routine was bouncy, sexy and overall fun for all of us. I knew our skirts were short, but it was all a plan to distract the visitor team. We earned whistles and cheering as we turned our backs towards the crowd, shaking our hips intensely at them, and I caught a glimpse of Patrick getting in position. I ran towards him and he grabbed me, throwing me up and I twirled in the air, landing in his arms. He then pushed me up again, and I stood on his shoulder as he held my left leg with both hands. I raised my other leg up, going completely to the side of my head as I grabbed it with my right hand, and the rest of the girls also finished with twirls and jumps, finally signaling the finish of our routine. I was breathing heavily as I kept balance on top of Patrick and the crowd finally cheered, intensely. I looked up at the bleachers and I smiled as I saw Hellfire also cheering on me. I saw Eddie shaking his head with a grin in his face as he clapped. I outdid myself, and I knew it was thanks to him watching me.


I was walking towards my car, with the bag hanging on my shoulder, and I was growing excited as time went by, because it meant I was gonna go see Eddie and his band. I was about to get in, and someone called me out, making me turn. My eyes slightly widened as I saw Robin, Max, and Nancy approaching me. I looked around to make sure my team had gone to celebrate at Jason's. I told them I was going to shower and I would arrive later, which was a complete lie. Lucas had done the final winning shot, and it was all going to be dedicated to him.

"Hey Y/N." Nancy greeted me with a soft smile on her lips. I stammered slightly, and greeted them back.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked and they all looked at eachother and then Robin talked.

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