11. Finally moving on...?

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{Y/N's POV}

"Well... You guys passed." Mrs. Laker said and I couldn't help but smile slightly at the accomplishment. We just gave in our project and it seems it was a success. Eddie was standing next to me and he was smiling, showing off his dimples to our professor.

"Well, I am an excellent teacher." I heard him say and I rolled my eyes, looking away from him. I heard Mrs. Laker laugh slightly, standing up from her chair.

"You two also look closer than before. I'm glad the bickering is gone from my classroom." I frowned slightly, confused at what she was meaning by that, and I could see Munson was thinking the exact same. We looked at eachother slightly, just for a second, realizing at the same time that we haven't insulted eachother in class. He even gave me back my pen that fell to the ground, and I simply said 'thank you' to him. Oh no, I'm becoming soft for the freak. I shook my head, breaking the eye contact with Munson and smiled back at our teacher.

"Yes, we got to know eachother quite well." I said and now it was his turn to roll his eyes. Mrs. Laker chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, perfect... Now, prepare your presentation, you have four weeks, and remember that you can do it however you like, diorama, slides, big poster, whatever you want, but make it entertaining." She explained to us and I nodded at her, while Eddie chuckled under his breath. "Munson?" She asked and I could not believe what he said after this at all, much less in front of a teacher.

"I just had a dirty thought Mrs. Laker." He said to her and I widened my eyes at his disrespectfulness, and my jaw dropped when I saw her clap once, laughing while shaking his head.

"Oh, always with your jokes Munson. No anatomy lessons please." I could not believe that she let him slide that joke in, and then I looked at him as he laughed, not believing he would imply sleeping with me in front of the whole class. I shivered and cleared my throat, grabbing my bag from the desk.

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Laker..." I said, interrupting their giggling session. She nodded at me, keeping a smile on her face, signaling for us to leave the classroom. Once we walked out of the door, I realized that everyone was already at the cafeteria, but I shivered as Munson leaned over to my ear, whispering into it.

"You wish Queen Bee." He said and he started walking away from me. Did he fucking say that to me? I grabbed a pen from my bag and threw it straight to his head, making him duck slightly, rubbing onto it, turning to look at me. I squinted at him and smirked.

"In your dreams, Freak." I said to him and turned around walking towards my locker. Who the fuck did he think he was, saying that to me? I shook my head. Why did I respond to him in the same manner? I blushed in embarrassment as I realized it sounded like flirty bantering, shivering at the thought. Did he even wash down there? I really don't even want to think about it. I started walking towards the cafeteria, dreading what's to come for me. Jason has been very distant from me since I didn't come up with any ideas on taking Munson down, and I couldn't tell him what the Freak knows about me either. I walked into the cafeteria and headed towards our table. My heart started beating faster and faster as I walked closer to it, finally sitting down next to Jason. I cleared my throat and he turned to look at me, but before I could talk, Patrick opened his mouth, talking towards me.

"Yo, Chrissy seems to be okay now, she took a week off school and she is returning tomorrow I think." He said and I raised an eyebrow up, wondering how he knew this information at all. My heart sunk as I realized that Jason must have visited her at her home for the past week. I blinked and couldn't help but feel hopeless at the thought of Jason ever wanting me. It seems Chrissy won the battle.

"So, you guys visited Chrissy?" I asked Jason and he nodded at me, rather coldly. Everything I was thinking of doing to Munson, was so I could get noticed by Jason, but if his eyes were already on Chrissy... Why would I bother? As if they heard my thoughts, Janet leaned over the table and talked to me.

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