10. Would he do that?

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{Eddie's POV}

"So, I have to change those bearings?" I asked her as I unlocked my trailer's front door. We've been talking about what my van needed fixing, and she went off the rails with every single detail. She really was into them, and I never thought I would actually take her advice on anything, much less for my own stuff.

"Yes, they are very used up, that's why the chain is going upwards." She explained to me and I sighed. I have to start saving up because that is not good, I can't drive around in that and risk everyone that hops in. I finally opened the door and walked in first, knowing Wayne was not in for the day. She walked right behind me and I saw her looking around, inspecting my place. I could see a slight twitch on her left eyebrow, but she remained silent. I cleared my throat.

"So, home sweet home." I said to her and walked towards the fridge. I cursed when I opened it and only found beer. "Um... tap water?" I asked her and she frowned at me in disgust and I just rolled my eyes at her. Fucking royalty.

"Beer is fine." She exclaimed and I didn't take her for being a beer kind of girl. Always thought she would be sort of a Sex on the Beach kind of girl. I raised an eyebrow to myself as I grabbed two beers from my fridge and then closing it. I handed one to her and she kept the can in her hand. I opened mine and took a sip and she stared at me. Oh she better not.

"Don't tell me you want a glass." She scrunched her nose at me, disgusted by my action.

"I clean my cans at home. You don't know if rats walked on top of them when they were in the deposit room." I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled.

"That is a myth." I explained to her and she glared at me, demanding a glass. I smirked and took a sip from my beer again. "Wash the can." I said and walked towards my room. I could hear a huff and some stomps, followed by the water running. I shook my head as I entered my room and waited by the door for her to walk in. She glared at me as she came into view and opened her can, taking a sip and finally entering my room. I looked at her, watching her movements as she scanned my room. I was waiting for a comment, even if a sarcastic one, but she only turned around and pointed at the floor.

"I did not expect this to be clean... at all. Full of surprises Fre- Munson." She corrected herself before saying the nickname her clan gave me. I smirked and shook my head, heading over to my music player, putting on some Kiss. I knew she wouldn't like it, but I could care less what she thought really, it was my house. I sat on my bed and patted it, giving her a sarcastic smile, knowing she was disgusted by sitting on it. I saw her take a long sip and take a seat in front of me, taking out the books and the essay. "You live alone?" She asked me and I blinked, grabbing the essay from her hands.

"With my uncle." I explained to her and she nodded at me. I changed the subject into the project, and she started taking notes down as she eyed her book and what I explained to her from my test. After twenty minutes, I could not believe it, but we were done, and I couldn't wait for her to leave so I could be by myself and prepare batches for my clients.

"Hopefully this will get us an A. Then it's just the oral presentation next month." I was surprised by her, she wasn't stupid. Maybe she was right that she didn't have time to study at all for that exam. I nodded at her and handed her the finished project.

"Sounds good to me. We finished on time and we are free from eachother until... the other week." I sighed as I remembered we then had to start preparing our presentation. I really want this to be over, it is making me waste time on the campaign, my band, my work, and being partners with her wasn't so cheery either. She was finishing some touch ups on her work and I think she didn't notice but she started mumbling the words to 'Love Gun' and I almost choked on my beer. I thought I was imagining it earlier, but she did mumble some of 'Rock n Roll all night' before. I waited and noticed she knew the entire song, amazing me each second I heard her. Who is this person? It seems she noticed me staring at her and she looked up.

Make me Better ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now