28. The Freak's resolution

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{Eddie's POV}

She's avoiding me, and I don't blame her, but fuck it hurts that she does it. I don't even know how to approach her anymore, because she is always hiding behind her jockies, and Sinclair is behind her like a shadow, as if he were some kind of protector. He has also ditched Hellfire completely and Henderson and Wheeler won't stop moping about it. I didn't tell anyone we kissed, and I bet she didn't either, because the girls were confused as to why Y/N had gone back to her usual self as if we never ever talked with eachother. 

I kissed her. I've been wanting to do that for so fucking long, and I chickened out, completely. It's not really that I chickened out but more like, I just wanted to graduate this year, having a hook up with the most popular girl at school wasn't in my list, and deep inside I knew I was going to fall and hard because I already liked her. Damn, I wanted to wake up next to her and I knew that with that simple thought, I am done for. Maybe it was being a coward, but... her? Me? It doesn't match. We don't match. We really don't... Yet I am attracted to her like two opposite magnets and I really want to get closer to her again.

"Seriously, you must have done something Eddie." Robin glared as she sat down at the hellfire table, earning a glare from my own self.

"No ladies in my table." I reminded her and she flipped the bird at me.

"That's for making me lose a hot babe." She reprimanded and I shook my head at her.

"I didn't do shit Buckley! She simply decided that her status mattered. That's all." I lied and I winced at it cause I made her sound like a complete cunt... But she did go to Jason's party on Tuesday night right after my show and right after we made out in the fucking dressing room for fuck sake.

"I know you did something Munson. I know you fucking did." She pointed her finger at me and then looked at her tray.

"Well... I mean... I thought she was fucking cool." Dustin mentioned and I looked at him with dull poker eyes.

"You did?" I asked him and he nodded at me.

"Yeah... She cheered me up at your show because Lucas did not show." He said to me and I was surprised at that. If she cared about statuses, then she wouldn't have stopped talking to us out of nowhere.

"And that's how I know, you fucking did something Munson. Because she left, right after you went outside to smoke a cig." She raised her eyebrows at me and scoffed, continuing to eat her food. I groaned at her and I wasn't just going to give her the win. I shook my head and Gareth was just playing with his food.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he sighed and looked at me.

"I don't know if you heard..." He began and I gulped at this, what happened now? I scooted closer to him so I could hear what he had to say. "When I was out with Y/N... She told me the amount of time she spent picking out your guitar. An hour." My heart clenched at this. I wanted to run my hands through my hair in exasperation because I wanted to run to her and tell her that I was a fucking idiot. Seriously, why would she want to kiss me

But she did

But why

Cause she wanted to. 

But why would she want to

My head is a fucking mess because I cannot conceive the idea that she actually is attracted to me. Speaking of the devil, she walked in the cafeteria room, wearing her all too short cheerleading outfit, and god do I want to bang her in that behind closed doors. I'm a fucking idiot.

"Why is Lucas so attached to her?" Max said as she sat on the Hellfire table and I glared at her.

"Why are you guys sitting here?" I called her out and she ignored me completely making my eyes go wide at how disrespectful she was.

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