72. I Missed You

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{Noone's POV}

Y/N finally arrived home, dragging her feet towards the front door as she looked behind her to see Billy waiting for her to get inside. She didn't want to admit it, but some butterflies rumbled in her belly today thanks to the man in the Camaro. They weren't as strong as they were with Eddie, so they were easily dismissed. She waved at him and finally entered her house, hearing his engine start as he drove away. As soon as Billy left, she heard voices coming from the kitchen so she walked over there to see Wayne talking to Laura as he drank a glass of wine.

"Oh there she is!" Laura smiled towards Y/N, and she returned the smile towards her Nana, heading over to give her a kiss on the cheek. She then walked towards Wayne and kissed his in a greeting, already accustomed to say hello to eachother like this.

"Where were you Missy?" He asked her with a smile and she felt a pang in her chest. A sense of guilt washed over her for some reason, but she shook it off because it wasn't a date at all, so she shouldn't feel guilty for going out with her coworker.

"I went out with Billy, he gifted me tickets for a car exhibition. Nana, Wayne, the amount of things I saw! Did you know that some years back a man invented a car, completely fueled by water, only for him to appear dead a week after the project launched?" She explained excitedly as she headed over to the pot to see what her Nana was cooking for dinner. She didn't notice it, but Wayne's smile fell a bit as he looked at Laura.

"Well, now that explains a lot." He suddenly said as he took a sip of wine and Y/N turned to him with a confused frown in her face.

"What?" She asked and Laura sighed, looking at Wayne with a glare in her eyes to then soften as she looked at the young girl again.

"Eddie is not coming for dinner tonight... Wayne here says he's..." Laura looked at Wayne for him to finish the sentence and the man looked at them both.

"Moping." He says with a shrug and Y/N just stood there, not understanding what she had to do with any of this. She hadn't told anyone about her going out with Billy today, except for Chrissy. She had to be excited with someone, she was gonna go see so many new cars, and collectibles, of course she was excited and anxious about it.

"Moping? For what?" She asked and Wayne looked at her as if she were stupid. He didn't want to be mad at the girl because his own nephew was being an idiot, but it was still his nephew. He couldn't help but feel protective of the boy who he cared for like a son.

"He returned from band practice just a few hours after he left, and from what I know, he was with Jeff, Gareth and the little ones." He took a sip of his wine and she started processing his words, her eyes slowly widening as a redhead popped up in her mind.

"Max..." She immediately rushed towards the reception to grab her car keys, anxiety washing over her. She couldn't think straight right now. She might have lost his trust by doing this. How could she be so stupid? Going out with a boy when she is trying to rekindle her relationship with Eddie? She started cursing as she looked down at herself, deciding to change, rushing upstairs as she heard Laura and Wayne try to call her from downstairs.

She changed into a white tight crop top, covered by a baggy black sweater, putting on her sneakers, changing out from her boots, almost tripping over the scattered clothes in her room. She rushed downstairs again, desperately and Laura was already at the door with a worried frown in her face.

"Niña, que pasa?" She asked her worriedly and Y/N shook her head at her.

"I can't let him think I moved on, it wasn't like that!" Wayne immediately came rushing from the kitchen with the glass of wine in his hand, his eyes softening as he saw the tears in the girl's eyes. He really did wonder if they weren't going to realize their feelings anytime soon.

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