31. Real friends

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"How about you show me next Y/N?"

My heart was beating fast, too fast for my own liking. All night I felt this tension in my body whenever he looked at me, because I felt like a small rabbit thanks to his intense gaze. I don't understand... He was the one that told me to just forget about it... So why the fuck is he doing this to me? He was slightly wobbly so I am guessing he is as tipsy as I am.

"Is it amusing to you Munson?" He seemed taken aback by my question as I crossed my arms over my chest. He gave a step forward, closer to me and the only thing lighting the room was the moonlight shining through the window.

"Elaborate." He demands and I felt a shiver down my spine. What is this? Before, I would have never listened to the Freak's orders and now he is making me feel weird, like a sweat being spread all over my body. I cleared my throat slightly and continued.

"First you kiss me, then you tell me to forget about it, then you flirt with me... What's the deal Munson? Didn't get your usual hook up to pick up the phone and I'm your second choice?" The words keep coming out of my mouth and the only thing I can blame is the fucking alcohol. I was showing weakness to him, and I wanted to die from embarrassment at this very moment, but I stood my ground, arms crossed over my chest with my hip sticking to the side. He was blinking at my direction, completely dumbfounded from my statement and he raised both hands up, motioning me to calm down.

"Okay, okay, hold on... There are no choices, whatsoever, I don't know where you got that idea." I rolled my eyes as he stepped closer and my heart picked up an accelerated pace.

"Because of what I said. I just don't get your deal." This time, he rolled his eyes at me and I frowned, offended by his attitude towards me when I had done nothing wrong.

"I don't get what YOUR deal is Y/L/N." And I almost gasped as he called me my surname. Why is he acting offended? "Why are you so pressed about it?" He asked me and I froze slightly, a blush creeping up on my cheeks as my chest filled with embarrassment and I felt my pride being stabbed. I clenched my jaw slightly and nodded, letting the pent up rage and alcohol do the talking for me, because I was done and pissed at this point.

"I'm sick of people using me. First Jason, takes my fucking virginity away and now is dating my Ex Best Friend, and then you, I don't know what you gained from it, but to be honest, I don't know what you expected me to think when you kissed me and then tell me to just forget it, Munson." I was breathing heavily as I talked as he watched me, each word making his frown more pronounced in his face. I waited for him to say something but no words were coming out of his mouth as he watched me. 

Hope slipped from my fingertips and I just wanted to go home at this point because he just confirmed what I just said by not saying a single thing. I pushed past him and headed for the door but I was stopped completely, when he rushed to my side and pressed his hand on top of mine as I reached for the handle. I glared up at him and he shook his head at me, and his eyes seemed desperate, making me frown this time because I was confused at his reaction.

"I didn't mean to... I... I might be a coward, but... I just became friends with you, and honestly the last thing I want is to ruin it... I didn't want to ruin it because of a heated night, be it because of ambience or alcohol." He replied to me and my core softened at this but my heart was tugging at my chest. He just said he kissed me in the spur of the moment, basically... I pulled away from him and he stepped back and gulped.

"So we just... Pretend it didn't happen, and move on and don't slip up with eachother again, is that correct?" I replied to him, looking him dead in the eyes. My eyebrows were twitching, I felt them. I wanted to appear strong at this, but I really wanted him, and it was hurting my pride that he didn't want me like I did. He stood in silence just for a second and continued talking.

Make me Better ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now