36. Sophomore year

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{Noone's POV}

She didn't think she would be this pissed, but she was. As she drank her beer down alongside Steve, as they side eyed Jonathan, she couldn't help but feel anger all over her body.

"I don't know what she sees in him. I mean, he is obviously lying about applying in the same college as her!" Steve yelled and she looked at him, squinting slightly.

"And you can be better?" She asked him and Steve stared at her for a few seconds to then look back into his can. She knew he was a better match for Nancy, but she was blind towards Jonathan. She still remembers Steve crying in the boys dressing room at gym after Nancy blatantly denied ever saying she never loved him while she was drunk. He even tried to apologize when he wasn't even the one that had to apologize in the first place. 

She took a large sip of her beer and looked at Eddie who was dramatically explaining something to the Hellfire Club, including Will. He was explaining yesterday's campaign again and how everything came to an end, finally pointing at her. Y/N smiled and walked over to them, crossing her arms over her chest as she took a sip of her drink as Eddie smiled brightly over her.

"Here she is, the Elven Princess." He called her and she squinted her nose at him, to then give him a smirk that only he knew what it meant.

"I thought I made it clear, that I am a Queen. Not a princess." She retorted and Eddie's body shivered slightly as his eyes darkened at the correction. He grinned and bowed down towards her like a prince, earning a giggle from her part.

"Of course, your majesty." The young teens laughed at this and Jeff walked over Y/N, putting an arm around her shoulders, catching Y/N by surprise. Eddie straightened up and frowned slightly at the sudden interaction, while Jeff had a grin to the face.

"I am king of the dead sea, magician of dark forces of evil. Might as well get married to the Elven Queen, aye?" He looked at Y/N and she couldn't help but snort at the nerdyness of it all, but decided to play along with it.

"Shall we get married in The Shire?" She asked him and he immediately ripped apart from her with widened eyes, and she was startled at the action. She looked around and saw Eddie with his mouth wide open and his fingertips started sweating. She looked at all of the kids that were still stunned at her comment and she raised an eyebrow up. "What?"

"You... You know about The Hobbit?" Eddie asked her, slowly approaching her. She gulped and tried to hide her embarrassment there for a second. She actually read The Hobbit thanks to Eddie. He was reading it in the cafeteria once, and she got intrigued by it, because if it makes The Freak read, then it must be something good, right? The moment she read the first three chapters at the public library, she ran to get an original copy at the bookstore to finish it at home. Soon after, she read all of Tolkien's collection in a week period of time. She stared up at him, gulping heavily.

"I might... have read it." Eddie didn't know what to think, but the thought of her reading his favorite book was doing something to him that he didn't quite know how to describe.

"You're a nerd..." Dustin said on the low and Y/N's eyes widened, breaking contact with Eddie to look at the younger teen.

"Hell no! I like to read!" She defended herself and it was the truth. She just liked a really good book. Eddie was still staring at her and he purposely tipped the can downwards, making it splash slightly on the ground and some drops fell on Y/N's boots. She looked down wide eyed, backing away as she raised her arms up, growing angry at her boots being damaged. "Munson, they're GUCCI!" She yelled at him and he grabbed her arm tightly.

"Yeah, let's get them cleaned up right now before they suffer any damage." He ripped her apart from the group to guide them towards the stairs. She was frowning the whole way, looking back and forth between Eddie and the party downstairs, but her heart was about to jump out of her chest. He looked desperate for something, as if he couldn't quite control himself and she was biting her lip at the tight grip that was on her arm. He finally reached upstairs and knocked on a door, and opened it after there was no answer, revealing a guest bathroom. He guided her in by the shoulders and she was frowning the entire time, with confusion plastered in her face.

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