24. Taking Responsibility

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{Noone's POV}

Y/N was retreating from Eddie's trailer once again. It's already saturday, and he never spoke with her again. In the hallways, Hellfire Club glared at her, killed her with just one glance. She received the same look from Robin but unexpectedly, a compassionate one from Nancy. They all thought she was in it. They all thought she knew they destroyed it. She got into her car once more and wiped a tear away and drove off to her house once more. She pleaded to Mrs. Laker to extend her presentation one week later because Eddie was going through a hard time, which she accepted. Y/N drove home once again, defeated. 

She tried so hard to get close to him after school, going to his house, but he was either ignoring her or the boys drove him away as if she were vermin. She shook her head and decided some shopping would be nice. She drove all the way towards Starcourt and headed inside the big mall to get some new clothes. She passed many stores with her bag in hand and stopped when she saw an all-black store, that sold rock and dark oriented clothes. She stared at the mannequin and bit her lip, shaking her head trying to drive the temptation of going inside away. 

She kept walking until she passed an instrument store. She took a step back to look at the various instruments that were on display, making her stunned at the variety.


Monday afternoon and Lucas Sinclair was rushing towards one room in particular. He was tired and sick of being cast aside because of their assumptions. He wasn't even there when they did what they did to Eddie, so he didn't know why they thought he was in on it as well. He banged on the door one time, two times, three times until Gareth opened the door for him, glaring him down.

"What the fuck you want Sinclair?" He asked him and Lucas frowned at him.

"I want to speak to everyone." He said and Gareth shook his head.

"There's nothing there to fucking talk about Sinclair, go back to your homosexual team for fuck sake." He dared say and Lucas got fed up by the insults, grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him inside the room, as his eyes raged with fire. Gareth grabbed his wrists, trying to pull him away.

"Stop fucking insulting me!" He dropped Gareth and everyone was already standing up in case a fight broke out. Lucas looked at Mike and Dustin with pain in his eyes. "Of all the fucking people, I never thought you two would think I was in on this shit! I didn't even know they stole it!" He yelled to his friends and both Mike and Dustin stared at eachother and then back at Lucas. Dustin had a pained expression on his face, guilt very present in the pit of his stomach.

"How do we know you are not lying?" Jeff asked with his arms crossed. Eddie was sitting in his throne, his expression completely empty. He knew Y/N had tried to contact him, many times, but he just couldn't trust her. How could she not know they did it? It was her team, her friends, and he believed every word from her mouth, every expression. He shook his head as his thoughts became darker.

"I've been sitting in the fucking bench since school started, do you even think they consider me a friend?! I've come more to hellfire than to practice!" Lucas yelled at him and Eddie raised a hand up in order for them to lower their voice. Robin and Nancy were on the side as well. They have all been coming in order to cheer Eddie up, with no luck. He didn't want to do any type of campaign, he didn't want to even work, he was simply numb. "Eddie... Please... Trust me. If I knew anything of the sort, I would have told you guys... I would have never let them do that." Lucas had threatening tears wanting to slip out from his eyes and that's when Eddie's eyes widened. He was crying for him. Eddie gulped, and looked down once again, to then give Lucas a soft nod of the head. Lucas smiled softly and nodded. Mike then approached him.

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