2. Her Happy Place

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If I have to listen to Mrs. Laker talk about Mitochondria one more second, I will explode. I hate biology, it's my least favorite class and it's the one I am failing the most with a C. I need to raise it up to an A for my grades to be favorable for my application for Chicago University. It's the best business school out there if I want to follow into my father's company. I had to decide between my Mother's brand or my Dad's company, and to be honest, I'm not eccentric as my mom and the brand would fall with someone like me as their head designer, so I'm left with following my father's steps. Although I do not want to do business at all, because it's simply boring, I have to say it brings in the big money at home. 

My father is the owner of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies there is, and I am his only heir. It's not that it's hard for me since I am pretty good with numbers and math and my father taught me about stocks since I'm basically five, but it's so boring. I groaned as I thought about it but I know how important my parents are in their industries. It's not like we're famous, I mean half of the kids here don't know who my parents are and the ones that know just shrug it off. 

They're famous in the business area, meaning, only people that work at important companies or magazines know about them. I remember those boring ass parties they took me before I left for my vacations just so I could meet the sons of important managers of other companies. They were hot but they were so uptight, as if they had a stick up their ass, following into their father's steps, with the same mannerisms as them. I shivered in disgust as I remembered how one kissed my hand thinking he was being a gentleman and he left wet crumbs from a cracker he ate seconds before, on top of my hand. 

I started paying attention in class again and the bitch kept talking about the goddamn germ and for fuck sake. I am failing this subject because she makes these classes so damn boring that I cannot even concentrate on what she is saying before my mind drifts off somewhere else. My ears picked up an annoying sound coming from the table next to me and I looked over to see the freak of the school tapping his pen against the desk over and over and over, getting into my fucking nerves in every single tap he did against the wood.

"Can you stop that?" I asked him in a cold manner. He looked at me with a slight glare and sent a fake smile as he took another pen from his bag and started tapping both of them on the desk with both of his hands. I could feel my blood boil at his fucking audacity. "Want me to make you stop Freak?" I threatened him and he smirked towards me, stopping his movements. He leaned over to me and I was afraid he had lice in those long curls of his and one would jump on me, so I backed slightly at his closeness.

"The only way you can stop me darling, is if you occupy my hands with something else." I winced in disgust at him and I could feel him laughing in the back of his throat. The last thing I need, is the Freak Munson to joke around about sexual matters, towards me. He is so disgusting and I can't believe I have to sit with him throughout the rest of my year, in this stupid class.

"You're fucking disgusting." I told him and straightened up as I looked towards the front of the class once more as my jaw clenched. He scoffed and started tapping his pen against the table again and my leg started bouncing from the anger that was filling up in my core.

"Back at you, Queen." He answered me and I felt the irony behind that last word. I clenched my fists against the desk and took a deep breath in to calm my fury against the person that sat next to me. I cannot wait till this fucking class was over.


I slammed my lunch on the table as I sat next to Chrissy. She jumped up and looked at me as I took my seat and I sighed deeply taking a bite out of the potato salad angrily. I was so mad from last class that I just wanted this day to be fucking over with. I heard Chrissy gulp and she talked to me.

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