42. Having a best friend

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{Y/N's POV}

I hate my life. I hate myself. I hate today. Why did it have to happen today? Why? I crouched slightly as I held onto my locker door as another cramp hit me. Ever since I started taking the pill, I have awful cramps on my first day, and it should be the other way around. Maybe the brand is bad for me, I should consult my gyno. I sighed as I put another book into my locker, grabbing the pills to put them in my bag.

I started taking them after losing my virginity. When I told Nana that I lost it, she immediately scheduled an appointment with a Gynecologist to look over my intimate area. It's true, there's no need to go to Gyno if you aren't sexually active, unless you are over 20 and still a virgin, that's what I was taught. I got on the pill as soon as they told me that I should lower my chances as best as I could if I didn't want a pregnancy this young. But the pills made me hormonal, and, thank god, they did not mess with my weight. 


Why couldn't it be late for another week? Or tomorrow? I heard the bell ring and I closed my locker, another cramp hitting me in my belly, making me punch the door at the pain. I need a fucking horse pain killer. I looked to my side and I saw Nancy walking by hooked with Robin on her arm. I felt a sting in my heart seeing that, knowing I can't do that with them right now, and I want to hit myself in the fucking face for it. 

I saw Robin looking at me, giving me a wink, and I saw a motion with her hand. I looked down and without anyone noticing, when they passed, Robin passed something to me in my hand. I gave one last look as they walked away and I looked at the content in my hand, smiling at it. Advil. I closed my palm and I rushed towards the bathroom to chug it down.

My other teammates wouldn't even care if I were in pain, yet these two noticed from across the hall that I was suffering from pain and rushed to give me a solution, even if they didn't speak to me today. I wish I could tell them about Eddie. I wish I could tell them how he makes me feel, how great he is with me, and how incredible he is in bed. I blushed at that and I looked into my purse, looking for my lip gloss to reapply it on myself. 

Snap out Y/N. Noone knows you hooked up with Munson. Nobody will ever know. I felt a pang of guilt at the bottom of my gut and I sighed staring at my reflection. For how long will I manage to keep doing this? Janet then walked into the bathroom and I rolled my eyes inwards, but I gave her a smile on the outside.

"Seriously, yesterday I met with Brian and he is not performing like he always does honey." She is talking about her hook up. Brian is actually from the rival school, they met at last game and hooked up once, well, it seems two times now. Suddenly, I realized that Janet... is my source of knowledge. Never in my life I thought I would say that. I cleared my throat and I looked at her, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Hey, Jan..." I called her out and she hummed a simple 'hm' in response as she applied some powder on her face. I gathered my courage and a lie started formulating in my head. "There's something I never tried, cause it... I don't know, it feels icky." She starts laughing at me and then looks at me with a pitiful frown on her face, making my embarrassment form into anger. She thinks she is the greatest for sleeping with over a hundred guys. Seriously, get yourself checked at the doc.

"God, you're so prude! I bet it's sucking dick, right?" My blush returned to my cheeks and she shook her head at me. "God... Whatever... What do you want to know?" I gulped and she smirked at me. "Want me to give you tips?"


My cramps were finally subduing as I started changing clothes after a warm shower, but now the pain was replaced by nervousness. I bet I wasn't going alone, just so that we don't raise suspicion, but the girls didn't contact me to get ready, so maybe just Steve was going. I dried my hair with the hair dryer and I began the too well batting of it. I stared at my reflection for a second and decided to go for a ponytail, blushing at the decision. 

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