52. The Queen's Downfall

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{Noone's POV}

Y/N woke up with an extreme headache from the day before. She had kicked everyone out of her home and then drank herself a whole bottle of whiskey by herself. She didn't have the courage to go after Eddie. She couldn't. She just felt hopeless at the moment, but she had to explain herself somehow, make him understand that everything, absolutely everything except for the beginning was real. 

Ever since he hugged her as she cried in her kitchen all alone. He was the first one to ever look at her for real, care for her as a human being, and give her a chance. He was the first guy that made her feel desired, wanted, and she could even say the word loved.

She felt the lump in her throat form and she sniffled, getting out of her bed. She groaned when she remembered she had to call the cleaning service because her house was left a big mess. She dragged her feet towards the bathroom and as she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw her stained face with all of her make up running down her cheeks. She felt the incoming tears and she immediately opened the tap, washing her face. 

She heard a thump coming from downstairs and she straightened up. She quickly dried her face and ran out of her bathroom and out her room, seeing a carry on suitcase at the door, making her blink in confusion. She heard rattling from the kitchen and she walked downstairs, going towards the sound, finding Laura writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Hey... I promise I will call the cleaning service to get this cleaned up today, it got out of hand." Y/N told her Nana as she walked towards the sink to get a glass of water so she could take an advil for her throbbing headache. She didn't get a response back and she looked back towards her Nana, and Y/N felt her heart go deep into her stomach, because Laura had a stained face from the tears that were rolling down from her eyes, and she was looking at her with the biggest disappointment look she had ever given Y/N. "What's wrong?"

"I always protected you... Always... I never said anything about your attitude, not once. But this time... This time Y/N, you crossed the line..." Laura said to the young girl and Y/N was stunned with a frown in her face. "Wayne... he wants to focus on his nephew, because of what you did to him." And Y/N's heart started beating rapidly into her ears, making her headache even worse than before.

"Nana, please, let me explain, it's not what it seems-" She starts talking and Laura's face turns red from anger and sadness as she responds.

"Explain? How could you do that to Eddie? How could you do this?" Y/N opened her mouth and Laura shook her head at her. "I've never meddled in your doings. I never once said anything of what you did, on how you treated your school mates, or the horrible pranks you did to freshmen students, or what you did to Nancy Wheeler..." Y/N's eyes filled with tears as she shook her own head at her Nana.

"I swear that I didn't want this to end like it did, but I promise that I was real with them, with all of them!" She tried explaining and Laura shook her head at her, sobbing as tears streamed down her face.

"I always let you do your way, and never once corrected your doings. I never told you to stop, that it was wrong. I never taught you well, and I am disappointed in myself but... I am not your mother Y/N, I don't have the right to do that..." Y/N's heart broke at her Nana's word, a person she always thought as her family, her mother of all people. Laura left the note she was writing on, on the table, and walked out of the kitchen. Y/N panicked and followed her towards the living room.

"Where are you going?" She asked her and Laura didn't turn to look at her.

"I am going to Beatriz's... I need time to think, I need to calm down Y/N... This- This was so wrong, in so many levels." Laura lost Wayne thanks to Y/N's doings, but no one was letting the poor girl explain herself at all.

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