89. New storm ahead

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{Noone's POV}

Monday came around, and Eddie was against his van, smoking a cigarette before entering the school. He was early of course, because he is excited to enter the school with the love of his life, show her off to everyone, flip off whoever sets eyes on her. 

He suddenly saw the red Mitsubishi pulling up in the parking lot and a grin immediately plastered on his lips. They had a few tests coming up today and Y/N dutifully helped him study, just enough to pass. His grin widened as she parked next to him, and she was already smiling as she got out of the driver's seat and locking her car. She put her bag over her shoulder and walked towards him as he threw the butt of the cigarette to the floor.

"Hey." She greeted him and he immediately wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips to greet her and as he was about to pull away, she tiptoed, wrapping her arms around his waist, not letting him leave. They laughed through the kiss and when he managed to pull away, he started feathering her face with soft kisses making her giggle.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled as he finally pulled away from her, leaving an arm around her shoulders. He could see the stares of some students, but he really could care less at this point. He felt lucky to have her, and he honestly felt like a god right now. Who would have thought that the freak of the school would land the hottest girl in Hawkins?

"Did you reread my flashcards?" She asked, biting her lip to hide a smirk as he guided them to the school's front doors. He chuckled, almost throwing his head back.

"It would have been easier if we were still doing the stripping part..." She did in fact helped him study with strip flashcards on Sunday. He was more than eager to learn if they did it that way, and she was more than compliant with him, knowing she was gonna get lucky at the end of it. "But yeah, I did."

As they walked down the hallway, talking about one fact in particular for History class, she could see Max at her locker, waiting for her. She gripped onto Eddie's waist and he looked up, following her line of sight, and he looked at her again to see if she wanted him to leave her alone. It seems that she didn't, because she didn't let go of him, so they kept walking towards the redhead.

"H-Hey." Max greeted them, rubbing her arm nervously. Eddie and Y/N just kept looking at her, not really knowing how to start this conversation. "Um... I owe you both an apology for my behavior on Friday... I know it's not enough because the things I said were... overboard." Y/N could see Max's eyes glistening as she continued talking. "I just... My brother is like my father figure, and- I shouldn't have done what I did, because you are both my friends, and there's no excuse for what I said that night... Just, you're not a bitch Y/N..."

Y/N felt her jaw clench and unclench at her apology. She was still overly mad for the things Max said, but she also understood her anger. Y/N would never top Billy in Max's heart, and she knew it, and maybe if she had a brother too, she would also say something to the other party about it.

"And Eddie?" Y/N asked and Max blinked, looking at said man who had a confused look on his face.

"Eddie... You're not, entirely, a piece of shit..."

"Maxine—" Y/N tried to interrupt her but Eddie did instead.

"No, no... I am a piece of shit. She is right about that... I'm not unaware of what I did to you Y/N." Eddie's arm around her twitched slightly as he looked to the floor trying to hide his face from her. Y/N frowned and raised a hand to squeeze his own that was draped over her shoulder. He looked at her and she sent a small smile his way to then look back at Max.

"It'll... If you cannot swallow the fact I am dating Eddie, then this is not going to work Max. If you will hate me inwardly, I cannot be your friend again." Y/N didn't want an empty apology. She wanted Max to really mean that she didn't hate her or Eddie at all, and that she was going to support her relationship despite it all. Max looked at her, and gave her a nod.

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