63. Inevitable pain

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{Noone's POV}

"You look good!" Nancy said for the millionth time, already fed up with Y/N fixing her hair everytime she had the chance to do so. The five girls were in Nancy's car, heading over to The Hideout for Corroded Coffin's concert. Y/N was sitting on the passenger's seat with the mirror down, checking her makeup and all. Robin, Chrissy and Max were sitting in the back, chatting away with eachother while the one girl in the front was panicking and the other was focused on driving.

"I didn't do too much, did I?" Y/N asks her friend and the curly headed girl shook her head at her.

"No. Stop worrying about it, he won't have that narcissistic thought that you dressed up for him! He is not like that!" Y/N knew that, but she couldn't help thinking it. She didn't want to risk the new blossoming friendship between them by trying to seduce him, but it was her goal in the end. Y/N's sighed as she put the mirror up again and stared into the road. She was nervous, beyond words, knots in her stomach, lump in her throat, cold sweats. She had it all. She looked at the rear mirror and the jealousy struck again.

Everyone in the car had a someone. Even if complicated.

Nancy, even if they were in the brink of a break up, they were still together... And if she does break up with Jonathan, Y/N knew very well she wanted to go with Steve. Yes, they have talked about that issue, and Nancy admitted to having feelings for Steve once again, but confusion was making her act stupidly. It was the same situation Mike went through. Then Max was happily dating Lucas, and the two oblivious girls with eachother were flirtatious, their wanting extremely reciprocated.

But Y/N was fighting for her person, and her confidence was not that great either. She didn't know if he wanted her still, or missed her, or even felt the same way she was feeling right now. She didn't admit she was in love with him, at least not yet. She was afraid of doing so, and ending up even more heartbroken than before. She never truly loved anyone, except for Laura, and admitting to loving Eddie was something she could not do so freely now because of the way things are. The car came to a stop as Nancy parked her car and they all got out of vehicle.

"Oh, your skirt..." Robin says as she bends down slightly, towards Chrissy's black plated skirt, fixing one of the plates that went inside out. Chrissy felt a huge electricity shoot right down her spine, feeling one of Robin's fingers brush slightly at her thigh. But the other girl did it completely on purpose. Robin had actually been observant of Chrissy, and even if she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't deny Chrissy's flirtatious ways of talking to her. The goosebumps on Chrissy's legs was another proof for Robin, but she was too afraid to act on it. Last time she did, she was rejected, and told to never talk to that person again, making her feel disgusted with herself. Robin got back up with a smile on her face as Chrissy turned around to face her.

"Thank you..." Chrissy thanked Robin with a big dimpled smile, eyes glistening from the interaction they just had, and Robin was taken aback at the expression, confidence sprouting inside of her. Chrissy was single, but never in her life Robin believed the other girl would go for girls as well, so the uncertainty was still there.

"N-No prob." Robin stuttered making Chrissy giggle and Max rolled her eyes, nudging Y/N, making the older girl bend slightly for Max to whisper something to her.

"I bet you 3 bucks Chrissy makes the first move." Y/N chuckled at that and shook her head.

"I bet you 10 Robin will get drunk and make the first move herself." Max put her hand out and Y/N shook on it. Another voice stepped in.

"I bet 7 that none of them will do shit." Nancy said on the low and the three girls chuckled while the other two snapped their heads towards them, with a deep blush on their cheeks, knowing they were completely in their own world until they heard their mumbling.

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