32. The first flower

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{Eddie's POV}

"I want you to be nice, this is very important for me!" Wayne said for the millionth time and I was growing angry that he kept repeating it as if I were a small child. He was driving his car as I fiddled with my rings in the passenger seat. I was nervous. I had a hunch of what will happen tonight, and I was happy for my uncle, I really was, but I haven't spoken with Y/N after yesterday night, and god, my stomach was turning.

"I heard you the first time Wayne! No need to keep repeating it!" I yelled back at him, and he shook his head at me.

"Just saying, I know she likes you already, but still..." He finished and I rolled my eyes at him as I looked out the window. He cleared his throat and I felt a slight tension go in the air. "So... Um... Y/N seems nice." He suddenly spats and I slowly turn my head to look at him with a completely surprised expression on my face.

"What?" I asked him. It was so out of nowhere and I don't know why he mentioned her, but I felt nervous because it was as if he knew something was going on between us.

"She's pretty... And funny and very caring of you!" He says to me and I noticed the nervousness in his voice. I squinted slightly at him and fixed myself on my seat.

"Yeah, she's a great friend." And at that he slammed his hands on the steering wheel, and I jumped at the sudden motion. "What the f-"

"Friend!? Holy shit son, I swear I remember taking you to get your eyes checked last year, and you were exceptional, 20/20 vision almost!" I blinked, stunned at his sudden outburst and I saw he was clenching his jaw. Why was he mad?

"Uh, I don't know where you are going with this." I honestly replied to him and he sighed, as if he were giving up.

"Don't bullshit me Eddie. You think I don't feel it? You think I'm stupid?" He replied to me and I was still completely shocked at the sudden change of subject. Was I too obvious? "Yes. You were too obvious." Is he reading my mind? Spinach. Cockatoo. Mary Poppins. He snapped his fingers at me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "FOCUS! I see how you look at her son, and you can't let her slip out of your fingers!" He yelled as we started spotting Y/N'S street. I gulped and looked down onto my rings as I played with them.

"I told you! Our statuses at school are way too fucking different Wayne." I retorted and he scoffed at me, making me frown at him.

"God, and who the fuck cares?!" He shook his head at me and I simply stared at him. "All I'm saying... is that if you don't risk it, you will never know." Little did my uncle know, is that I am already risking it. I contained the smirk that was forming in my lips as we finally parked in front of Y/N's home. Nobody would notice I am here because no one knows my uncle's car. He tried to dress me nice for the occasion but I don't really have nice clothes, and I wasn't going to fucking put on a flannel. I stepped out of the car, wearing a black shirt and the only non-ripped black pants I own. I was wearing my distinctive black leather jacket and some chains going off on my sides as an accessory. I don't care what people say about my get up, for me, this was dressing nicely.

"You ready big guy?" I asked him and I noticed he was nervous as he stepped out of the car, getting hold of the bouquet of flowers in his hands, but I also noticed another small rose, separately from the others. I frowned as he walked next to me and handed me that rose that was wrapped in nice pink foil. "Is this for me? You shouldn't have." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"For Y/N." He replied to me and my eyes widened at this. Why the fuck do I have to be the one giving this rose to her? Nervousness started prickling in the back of my throat. I've never given a flower to anybody, and I never thought my first flower will be given to the Queen Bee of our school. I will have to tell her that he made me do it, so that she knows I'm not here for funny business or anything. She will probably misunderstand it, and will yell at me or some shit afterwards. We walked towards the front door and rang the doorbell. Wayne was bouncing slightly and he turned to me with a frown in his face. 

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