13. Showing weakness

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{Y/N's POV}

I was ecstatic, I didn't care what anyone said, or if Munson was a pain in the ass. I fucked him. I finally fucked Jason. It wasn't perfect, and it wasn't how I expected it to be, but I really did not care at all. We can have a much more romantic situation later on, but for now, I am wondering how to act in front of him at school. He has been skipping since Tuesday, and now I think It's time to face him. I stopped dead on my tracks in the parking lot as I remembered the cold words after our moment together.

"This is a secret between us... No one has to know... Just act normal at school, I just know that Chrissy likes me, and I don't think that knowing what we did at this moment in her life would be such a great idea."

I understand, I care for Chrissy too, a lot, but I really wish I could tell someone, anyone at all. I looked to my side and saw Nancy and Robin chatting away, laughing with eachother, being joined later on by Michael and Dustin. I felt a wave of jealousy coming over me and decided to head inside the school. My stomach started doing turns and knots as I thought about my actions on acting as normal as I could with everyone else. I finally reached the gym and entered to see Jason already throwing hoops with the whole team. I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach, memories flashing through my mind of Monday night. I shook my head and walked towards the girls who were talking as they sat on the bleachers.

"Hey girls. How's everyone?" I asked, smiling widely and I caught Chrissy looking down on the floor. My smile fell instantly, wondering if she was okay, but from what I've heard, she started counseling in the school, and I hope that gives her the help she really needs.

"Doing great. I actually managed to do a double spin at home yesterday!" Janet said and I clapped with a smirk on my face.

"I won't believe it till I see it!" I said proudly. I took pride on my cheerleading team to do the house work I give them. I often try to give easy exercises to get their flexibility going. I saw Chrissy look up, staring at the boys and I followed her gaze. My eyes filled with anger as I realized she was following Jason around with her eyes and I bit my tongue, trying to hold in what I did on Monday night with the person she is staring so intensely. Betty though, interrupted my murderous thoughts.

"Hey, tomorrow Friday the Freak is going to your house right? Any leads about that?" She asked me and I shook my head at her. I actually have been dropping my guard quite a lot lately with him, and I just can't help it because of my cheery mood. I actually struck conversations with the Freak Munson, and I didn't insult him as much as I did before. He even helped me lift my car so I could replace the gas tank for a much bigger one.

"Nothing, everything I have is what everyone else knows. He hates my guts, so he won't spill anything." I told her and she sighed, nodding at me. Her eyes beamed and she was about to talk to me but the basketball team approached us, all sweaty and panting from practicing.

"What you girls talking about?" Jason asked looking at all of us, and I felt my hands becomes sweaty as I looked at him. I took a deep breath in as I felt the butterflies murdering my stomach.

"I was about to tell Y/N... To flirt with Munson." I looked at Betty completely wide eyes at the stupid idea she just had. My mouth slightly dropped as well as everyone's and as I was about to talk, Jason interrupted with a big wide smile on his face, turning towards me.

"Holy shit! Why didn't we think about that? Maybe if you flirt with him, you'll get a secret out of his mouth!" He said and the butterflies started turning into nervousness, and panic. It was way too deep; I didn't want to be involved like that at all.

"The freak doesn't even think I'm pretty." I tried to excuse myself and then Janet commented with a smirk on her face and I wanted to slap it right off.

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