40. Breakfast

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{Y/N's POV}

I smell cologne. I was having a nice dream, in my own Mechanic shop, and I was the boss around there. It wasn't a worn down warehouse that I used as my shop, it was a nicely done garage, big, with elevators for the cars to be lifted up, parts hanging on the walls, pictures of myself with many famous people that came to my shop to modify their cars. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Paul McCartney... But there was someone in my dream, a helper of some sort, cheering me on... Couldn't quite figure out who it was... 

Wait, why do I smell cologne? I felt myself becoming conscious as I slowly woke up and jesus fucking Christ, my body hurts so much. I groaned slightly as I moved around and I slowly opened my eyes, looking around my room. The blinds were closed so there was little light shining through the cracks of it. I sat up, and my hips were in agony. What's going on?

My eyes widened, remembering everything from last night and I slowly turned my head just to find a mess of long dark hair sprawled on the pillow next to mine. He was sleeping, facing down, and I couldn't see his face yet. A deep blush went up to my cheeks as I remembered the intense night I spent...

With Eddie The Freak Munson. Holy shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He was so sweet and caring, but so aggressive at the same time, and I loved it, every second of it. This is what sex is actually like. Fuck what Carver did to me, that was just breaking my hymen, but this... what Eddie did to me last night was... I closed my eyes as I remembered the soft kisses on my body, the every now and then bite on my skin, being patient and not go so fast at first just in case it hurt me... He was nothing like Jason... He was so much better. 

I felt him stir and I looked down on me, realizing I was completely naked, making me blush once more, and I covered my chest with the sheets, still sitting up. I heard him groan and slightly whine as he moved his head and he finally turned around, laying on his back, running his hands on his face trying to rub off the sleepiness of just waking up. I smiled softly at the view and he opened his eyes to look at me. It seems he also was baffled at what we were doing in bed together at first, thanks to the small frown that formed on his brows, but then he grinned slightly and sat up on the bed, moving his head around trying to crack it as he closed his eyes.

"Honey, your bed is a fucking rock." I frowned and looked at him, offended he blamed my bed for his bad posture.

"It isn't the furniture's fault; you sleep with your head to the side while you face down!" I retorted to him and he glared at me slightly as he rubbed his neck.

"Your bed's fault. End of discussion." I rolled my eyes at him and I wanted to stretch out, but if I pulled my hands up, the sheet would fall, and he would see my breasts. It was sort of embarrassing because we were not in that kind of high anymore... I felt it way more intimate than having sex.

"You kick when you sleep also." I spat out as I looked at my nails and he frowned and his head snapped at me.

"What? No I don't!" He tried to defend himself and I held a chuckle in, trying to not let him see I was messing with him. I slept way too peacefully to actually know if he did move around when he slept.

"Whatever you say Munson." I say to him and I realized that I had to get up to get dressed. He would see me naked. Shit.

"You snore." He comments and my eyes widen as my head snaps to look at him and he was smiling at me, showing his dimples and my face relaxed as I shook my head at him, realizing he was joking.

"You ass." I smiled at him and he just kept looking at me, and my heart picked up a pace and the butterflies in my stomach were doing flips and jumps. He just looked so good with his sleepy eyes, and his matted hair. I felt the elephant in the room as the silence went on. I knew he wanted to say something, but he wasn't opening his mouth, so I tried pressuring him. "Need to say something?" I asked him, sort of nervously. 

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