8. What is going on?

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{Eddie's POV}

I glanced towards the popular people table and she was sitting there once again. I squinted slightly as they laughed together and I could only think how miserable that must be. Everyone was so fake in that circle, and I don't really think they care for eachother at all. But, that's none of my business, they can cut eachother's throats for all I care about. I slammed my hands on the table to attract everyone's attention. The two younger additions to the team jumped as they stared at me, completely confused at my outburst.

"You guys... disappointed me. I thought you would be able to handle our last campaign, but none of you survived." I shook my head as everyone looked down at the table and Gareth then spoke.

"It was way too hard Eddie, you made Vecna a servant of the devil and it came back to life." He tried to excuse himself and I stopped him completely.

"There's no buts! There's always a way! You guys became cocky and used all of your power to destroy Vecna, when I specifically told you to NOT. GET. COCKY." I stated that last part, punctuating every word. Dustin sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hand.

"I should of stayed hidden and not celebrate. Damn." He said and I nodded and sat next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Everything is a lesson of life. You can't always win Henderson." I said to him and he sighed and nodded at me. Mike then spoke.

"What about next campaign? Will it be as hard as this one?" I squinted at him and then chuckled.

"Next campaign, will be in a month." I said to them and they both stared at me with widened eyes in disbelief, about to go against my order. "I have a lot of work, and a few tests, as well as you freshmen do."

"Since when do you care about school?" I heard Jeff say and I turned around to stare at him completely stunned at his question, and a little bit offended.

"Since I failed two consecutive years because teachers simply hate my fucking guts?" I replied to my friend and he gulped as I stepped closer to him. "If I get good grades, they can't do shit about it." And like that I smiled looking out the window. "I can't wait for this fucking hell hole to be over." Gareth smiled at me and nodded.

"You bet... After school... We are still keeping Corroded Coffin, right?" He asked me and I looked at him and held my chest as if he pierced my heart.

"You hurt me with your words thinking that Corroded Coffin would ever disband." I received a laugh from everyone in the table and I let myself smile at them, showing off my teeth. From the corner of my eye, I thought someone was looking way too intensely towards our table, so I turned to look at them, but nobody was doing so. I stared once more towards the popular people's table and Jason's eyes linked with mine. I smiled and blew a kiss towards him, and I could see his fist clench on top of the table. I then saw Y/N and that boy Patrick turn to look at me, probably realizing I made their friend mad, and I shook my head and looked at my friends once more.

"Are you even hooking up? Is it a man? Is that why you're not telling us who it is?" Jeff said with a laugh and I smiled towards him, following his joke and then I threw my meatball in his face. I couldn't help but crack up, followed by Gareth as Jeff wiped his face. Mike and Dustin were trying to hold in their laughter but were failing to do so, I saw Jeff grabbing onto his own meatball and I stood up, still laughing hysterically and I started running towards the entrance, Jeff following behind as I hear the cafeteria erupt in laughter.


I was finally heading home, I was free, but to my dismay, I saw lovely Jason Carver with his two best buds, leaning against my van. Ah crap.

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